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Reviews by Chrono

Posted: 4/24/2020
This review is scaled for retro/HD remaster port. Meaning rating graphics 5 star doesn't mean a photorealistic graphics. It is translated to the graphical prowness of the era it was produced with enhanced ports compared to other similarly released games of it's era.

Dubbed as the black sheep of the series. Criminally underated and unappreciated title of the franchise. The fastest selling Final Fantasy of it's era. This is the game that modernized the series as a whole. The game called FF8.

The story of the game is the most personal one in the series. It is also focused more on character development and tackles a more realistic approach to the series. Even the character problems are troubles found in the real world. That is not to say it doesn't have any fantasy elements to it. Think of it as the most realistic take on the series. Which may have Alienated the fans of the series, along with the controversial junction system which may be the final nail to the coffin for the fans to straight up hate the game entirely.

Comparison and the attachment of fans to final fantasy 7 also made a lot of people sobatage the game. Giving it a lot of bad rep. Which is a big reason a lot of people are sleeping on this particular entree.

Moving on the story is about an orphaned military trainee that is seeking to graduate gets entangled in war. That's the gist of it anyway as to avoid spoilers. The story is much much more than that. It also has time travel which in any given medium gets confusing but it actually paves way to a lot of fan theories and discussion if your into that anyway.

Gameplay-wise the game tried to innovate from what the series is known for. Basically they tried to make the leveling system more diverse rather than letting level dictate the progression of character strength they introduced the junction system. In theory it should make character progression more suited to the players taste. Giving the player more freedom. It also makes combat more strategic. Technically instead of being shackled by MP like most games. It lets you steal magic and store them. Which also is used to infused to the character of your choice for a stat boost. Giving a dilemma whether to use the magic stolen/stored to get you out of the situation in the expense of weakening your character stat or use other ways to win.

They didn't quite stick the landing with their intentions because the game was rushed to the released date. Making the character progression more tedious. But such issue is actually mitigated with this remaster. Letting you make the game 3x the speed. Letting you steal magic with ease.

The game in all honesty actually is an improvement in every level compared to its predesesor. The graphics along with the character and GF animations, music and gameplay. It also fixes the previous game shortcomings like the lack or character development and the over cheesyness to name a few. All in which are the developers goal while making the game.

Only due to the rushed work they were subjected to, prevented this title from being a masterpiece. It lacks polish, the junction system is broken, the story needed a lot of expanding and it has a lot of pacing issues. All in all this Final Fantasy 8 doesn't only deserve your attention. It deserves a remake and a sequel.

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Posted: 4/18/2020
This review is scaled for retro/HD remaster port. Meaning rating graphics 5 star doesn't mean a photorealistic graphics. It is translated to the graphical prowness of the era it was produced with enhanced ports compared to other similarly released games of it's era.

The best of the series for some. The highest selling game of the series since it's released and the game that introduced/popularized RPG to the west. This is final fantasy 7.

The story of the game is the first departure in the series fantasy setting. Although the meaning of "fantasy" is debatable. The game opted for an industrial theme rather the more medieval fantasy theme the series was known for. The story revolves around a soldier turned mercenary going up against a juggernaut corporation. Coupled with a world ending subplot around ancients, Livestream and a meteor. The last bit sounds cheesy but that's because the game is to its core very cheesy. Whether to its character or scenario.

Playing through the game at first is very engaging. The first section the "midgar part" is very thrilling and high paced. It is also jammed pack with exposition the leaves you wanting more. After reaching the open world section of the story however exposes the games short comings. The overly cheesy dialogues and scenarios, gimmicky mini games, jarring lack of character development of some of it's characters including the protagonist who despite overcoming his mistaken identity generally remains the same throughout the story; and the missable characters and events that when missed leaves the game bare bones.

While the combat is your typical standard turn-based RPG with materia substituting as magic and stat boosters. It's good enough until the end of the story. Overall the game is good. Overated? Very. Deserves the attention it has garnered? Yes.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 4/18/2020
This review is scaled for retro/HD remaster port. Meaning rating graphics 5 star doesn't mean a photorealistic graphics. It is translated to the graphical prowness of the era it was produced with enhanced ports compared to other similarly released games of it's era.

A game that undersell compared to the previous two entrees of the franchise during it's release. Dubbed as a return of the franchise to its roots and aesthetics. A personal favorite of the creator of the franchise. This is the turn based rpg final fantasy 9.

The story of the game pays homage to the games of the old. Save the princess and save the world. Only this time it's on steroids. Detailed and expanded with fmv's and scenario. It's even coupled with the political subplots. The story itself screams "fantasy".

Playing through the game feels like stepping into a fantasy. Castles, knights, magic and flying airship. Everything from the whimsical tone and children's book type cast of characters. The game plays the series strenghts. The card game from 8, the turn based job system from 1 to 6. Limit break from 7 and 8. It's all here. It is also the series best character dynamic. Playing out like a children's story book with dark themes.

Every aspect of the game is solid. With it's graphic is the perfection of the devs utilization of the era's graphical limitations. This game is the very definition of Final Fantasy.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 4/17/2020
Long running franchise usually just retread similar core game throughout each series. In which after playing 2-3 of those games pulls you out of the franchise. But when a franchise tries to evolved then it deserves your attention.

Zelda Breath of the wild, story-wise it's more of the same. Save the princess and Hyrule. But the lore and journey to do that has been expanded greatly.

Playing through this open world game is a lot of fun. From your progression from being limited to certain things to being able to reach new heights. The game makes you feel stronger in the absence of a leveling system and that is by no means a small feat. The game also rewards creativity in the way you play which screams the word "fun". However the world at large generally feels empty. It doesn't feel lived out. Even if that's the dev team has been shooting for. Some quality of life improvements would make this game a masterpiece.

I have sinked in a lot of hours playing through the game and it's sheer freedom to progress whether it's character and the story has amazed me. Even with the games frame rate issues It has hooked me from beginning to end.
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  • Wishlist
Posted: 4/17/2020
This review is played solely in two player couch coop. A playthrough which is intended by the developer.

Cuphead is considered one of the hardest game of the decade. It is a 2D boss/stage rush type of game.

Story in this game is simplistic reminiscent of the retro days of gaming. Beat the boss who took a swing at yea.

Playing through with my older brother we had a blast in the campaign mode with fits of anger here and there but it was all a jolly of good time. There are a lot of different type of weapon or type of bullet in the game. Each having their drawbacks which balances the game making sure you don't breeze through the game. The game makes you need to get good to plow your way through and it sticks the landing.

Whether your a speed runner or a person who enjoys 2 player games. Then this game is a must have.

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  • Wishlist
Posted: 4/17/2020
Platinum games first exclusive Nintendo Switch Game is a stylize hyper combat with a twist. Where you manage two character at once in real time with some detective mechanics thrown in for good measure.

Story-wise it's as Anime-esque as you can get whether that appeals to you is up to you. Quite the typical your the savior of the world with some government scheme happening behind your back.

Playing through the game while the dual gameplay style execution is not bad. It doesn't quite reach it's greatest potential and while the detective mode was unique, it was quite tedious switching back and forth when searching for unluckables.

Overall While I had some fun with the game, it didn't quite hook me as it should have.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025