Level 2


Level 2

Reviews by FlyingPenguin982

Posted: 4/28/2020
Its smash bros ultimate. You already know if you're going to like it.
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Posted: 4/28/2020
I know this may seem unpopular but I did not love this game as much as others do. Yes it is a good game and I understand why people like it but after trying countless times I simply cannot get into it.

I'll start with the good. The game looks and sounds phenomenal. Outside of some minor slowdowns the game looks and feels great. Enemies look cool, and that initial moment after leaving the plateau is incredible. Gliding, climbing, the sheikah slate abilities all feel great. The core of the game is solid. I know a lot of people complain about weapons breaking but the game supplies you with enough for that to be a minor inconvenience not a major setback.

However, the game play loop falls flat for me. Shrines feel spread thin, the story is all but non existent, and it doesn't do anything for me after that initial wow to pull me in. The world looks beautiful but I don't have enough urge to explore it. The first 10 hours are great, finding a horse, taking out some camps, taking on your first divine beast and experiencing each of the firsts in this game feel great but outside of that I am left with what feels like a shallow open world.

Each of those firsts I mention are all the firsts you're going to do. The game I feel doesn't do enough to push me further, to want to save hyrule, to want to do all the shrines, instead I feel like I am left wandering. Games like skyrim and witcher are applauded because their open worlds feel alive, there's varied content and people living their lives and that just does not happen in this game.

I sincerely hope that breath of the wild 2 buffs up this open world and story and gives us more varied content to explore. This is a solid foundation for a great game but for now it just feels OK.
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  • Wishlist
Posted: 4/28/2020
I was skeptical about this game at first. Reviews were glowing across the board but I am not usually a fan of games designed to be difficult (i.e. super meat boy, dark souls). So when each review mentioned the difficulty I figured I wouldn't like it and moved on. However it was recently on sale for 5$ and I decided to give it a try and never regretted it.

While this game is difficult, it's the perfect level of difficulty. Super fair checkpoints with moderate difficulty minus some collectibles creates such a rewarding experience. Mechanics start out simple and increase in difficulty as you progress through a stage until you find yourself doing things you would've thought impossible.

The audio is great at pushing you through the levels and the game even throws in a little story. Everything about this game just works so perfectly in its favor.

If I had one gripe about this game it would be that mechanics get introduced and left behind too often. For most of the game the mechanic introduced there is the only one you run into and then its left behind for the rest of the game. It does get better at a certain point but I don't want to go into too much detail.

TLDR; Buy this game. It is exactly as good as people say and a great 10 hour playthrough
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025