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Level 3

Reviews by Ksandur

Posted: 4/16/2020
Mario Kart is a classic Nintendo title. And Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, does not disappoint.
For even more fun the multiplayer is amazing! The game scales well on a large tv, which is definitely the way you should play multiplayer.
Single Player Grand Prixs are also fun! The game is very well patched, yet there are ways to skip parts of certain tracks.
The multiplayer matchmaking though could use some work, as sometimes new players are matched with people who have a lot of experience.
Great game, great for young and old.
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Posted: 4/16/2020
The Witcher 3: Wil Hunt, is a classic. From PC to Switch it is an awesome game!
Graphics wise you will have to give up the fancy hairworks and anti aliasing PC has, but honestly, with a story this good, you won't even mind.
The game is a lot of fun to play on the go, as it is so extensive. The complete edition also has a physical map in the box which is a nice addon!
I can't say too much except for "buy it", if not on switch you should 100% get it on some platform. It's a great game!
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Posted: 4/16/2020
L.A. Noire is a very good game, the concept has aged well! The graphics on the other hand have not.
The face tracking and details that the characters have really makes the game wonderful, the models and surroundings though haven't been changed much from it's original debut in 2011.
In my opinion L.A. Noire should get an entire graphical rehaul, at the level of games like Grand Theft Auto, it is an amazingly fun story, the soundtrack is amazing, and you can spend hours solving crimes.
Well deserved 4 stars!
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Posted: 4/16/2020
ARMS is a very fun game. The idea of the elastic arms is really fun to toy with, the controls are a bit difficult at times, but once you get the hang of it you can have a blast.
The game isn't as easy as it may look. For new players I recommend starting at Stage 2 or 5 and working your way up from there. I started finding difficulty at a stage 5 and I can confirm I'm still stuck at a stage 5.
For some it may be a bit repetitive though as you work up to the same boss every time. (Can't tell for stage 6&7)
Not the best game I've ever played, but as a multiplayer game to play with your friends, it is amazing! Can recommend!
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Posted: 4/16/2020
The game is advertised as a big open world MMORPG.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, the game is not as openworld as you may think, the map is quite limited in size, and missions always come first. (And there's a lot of them).
The controls though, oh boy, Awful! The developers for some reason though it would be nice to change the controls completely from any other mainstream game.
When you want to start the game you may end up closing it, because the X and A buttons were switched around. (X being confirm, A being Cancel for example).
Is it worth it's price? No, it's better to get a physical copy at a store, chances are it will be a used copy aswell because they don't sell as good new.
I got it used, paid €25, got €25 worth of gameplay. Wouldn't pay more for it.
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Posted: 4/16/2020
Breath of the wild, is a wonderful game.
One of the common things that's holding people back though is the price.
€70 is indeed not the cheapest, so I recommend finding a physical copy instead, they can be found for around €55-€60.
Every penny this game has cost you is worth it, as there is just so much to explore, the beautiful soundtrack, the wonderful graphics, it's a really immersive experience!
The years it took to develop were definitely worth it, and I recommend this game to everyone.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025