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Reviews by Mickey

Posted: 11/11/2021
I played this for about an hour. It's pretty awful. The localization is really dreadful, the ui doesn't feel like it it's supposed to be off of pc.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
If you like bubble shooter, you like this. The game does feel (and is) pretty cheap, I just wish there was a bit more flair with backgrounds or music but it's hard to go wrong with the core gameplay.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
A fun bullet-**** that helps you learn vocab words in different languages while avoiding blaster fire. A really great idea. I do wish you could make your own lists though. It'd be perfect for flash cards.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
I ADORED Frederic 1 and 2 so I was so excited to play 3. I was a bit disappointed. They tried to fix a couple of the quirks of 1 and 2 but definitely ended up with a worse game. It's still got a lot of the fun and core gameplay but the story is less interesting and the overall package is less charming. The visuals are a bit better I think.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Very nice aesthetic. Good, calming puzzle game but nothing too mind-meldingly difficult. Just nice to get into the zone and match some colours.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
It's a first person shooter but take away the guns and give a sword and a whip. It's pretty fun wandering around dungeons trying to stay alive and I love the Asian aesthetic.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Would not feel out of place at a dave and busters or other arcade. Great selection of songs, great ui, great game.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Almost cried on my first playthrough of this and have been having trouble bringing myself to finish my second but I also can't delete it from my switch. It brings attention to a really intense, very real issue.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Fun little platforming. Pretty simple but it's nice that they have essentially two different minigames in one. There are some levels where you're on rails where your dog is pulling you along and there are some where you have more freedom to move. They're all fun regardless.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
It's a lot like Tenchu but with super powers. It's great sneaking around trying to kill people quietly or perhaps trying to go pacifist on a level. It's terrifying getting caught regardless and the enemies are really strong. You are not meant to go into this guns blazing, you'll probably die a lot if you do as i did.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Great game with a surprisingly interesting story mode. A good selection of rangers and villains though there are a few odd exceptions. I thought it was great that they're including street fighter characters as dlc, it fits with the gameplay style well enough.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Beautiful nostalgic homage. Very simple jump,kick,and duck controls but the levels are organized well.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Really good flow, spurned on by the great character design and the anime-esque flashy movements, this game is a great boss rush though it's pretty challenging. (You could put it on easy mode but nah)
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Posted: 6/7/2021
A little short on options for the price. Everyone loves pacman digdug and galaga and it's cool to have pacman vs. The other games are lesser known but all pretty fun. But these games individully are probably not worth 6 dollars a piece which is basically what you're paying for if you buy this at full price.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Great fun, should always have one version of jackbox party on switch because someone at the (real) party is always going to want to play. That person is often me. It's the same review as 2 basically. I don't really have any preference for the minigame. They're all great, it's just a matter of what you're in the mood for.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Great fun, should always have one version of jackbox party on switch because someone at the (real) party is always going to want to play. That person is often me.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
I just reviewed another brick breaker andit's basically the same review. I don't reall love the aesthetic of the game and there aren't enough music tracks but the core brick breaker itself is pretty cool. This version also does some neat things like adding in levels where you can't let the ball touch the top or the bottom.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
I don't love how this brick breaker looks and I don't like how there's only one music track but I love brick breaker and that's enough for me. I'm kinda stuck on this one level though.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Not only is the rhythm game itself perfect, with similarly perfect music, but the characters and references are amazing too! The dlc/after game isn't as great as the main game but that's moreso because I was spoiled by how much I loved the dialogue and story references. The postgame is more of an arcade thing.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
It is a very basic game and it plays the nyan cat theme song on a loop. It really bothers me that the loop isn't perfect so it just kinda randomly stops and starts again. The backgrounds are a bit basic and there isn't much incentive to play once you've collected everything. I've played 5 hours of this. It's really great if you're feeling like simple stupid, mindless fun.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
No complaints here. This was apparently one of the games that helped bring indies to the level of popularity that their at now and I'm so thankful for that. This game definitely stands alone, traversing different environments, shooting everything in sight pretty cool dialogue great weapons to choose from and a pretty surprisingly mysterious and complex story.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
I honestly got it for sonic but the other games on here definintely warrant some attention. Trying to get through the fighting games, the rpg. This collection is missing some key games like echo and sonic 3 but it definitely has enough to keep one entertained.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
I didn't know most of these characters before I started but each have such interesting and diverse movesets that I have played almost all of the games they came from. This is a pretty accessible game with simple inputs to do special moves like side special and up special. The skill ceiling is really high though. I wish this was more popular but it's unfortunately pretty hard to find people online. I never have at least.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
Fun to play through the story mode and it's got that old-arcade style difficulty. The type that forces you to either get good or pay a bunch of coins. I am not good but I also am not playing this in an arcade cabinet so I'm having fun with it. The port itself gives a bunch of options like creating save data, seeing online rankings, and button mapping.
This game also added a third dimension to the 2d fighting game. You can move out of the way of attacks which, if done properly can leave opponents open. Though, facing computers, it's usually me that's getting left open.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
Good collection of games. I definitely prefer classic megaman but X definitely has its charm. I chose to buy X2 instead of X because it has one more game included than X.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
I felt like I was trying to save a real person and was emotionally destroyed when I failed the first time. The puzzles start off easy enough but they can get really tough towards the end. You could cheat and look up the answer to some but I feel that takes away from the experience of it all.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
My friends and I love playing this game. It's super fast paced, reasonably easy to pick up but it's also not a game that I try to optimize so it works out alright whenever someone new says their interested in giving it a go. I still beat them usually but they have fun ya know?
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Posted: 6/6/2021
A great way to play a bunch of the old castlevania games. They even included the japanese version for some which has slightly enhanced music. But dear *** these games are hard.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
Objectively better than the first and the first was one of my favorite games of all time. The platforming is great, the character, enemy, and level designs really draw you in. It really does feel like what would happen if an indie studio tried to make classic castlevania today, which is basically exactly what happened and how they want us to feel about it so all good all around. The new characters they added in this one are great too. I heard that the devs kept hearing from beta testers that the Corgi character was too busted and they loved it so they left it in so now I love it too.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's a fun platformer with an interesting element of changing into different animals. I don't enjoy the overworld as much.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's pretty good. It's a fun concept and there's a lot more to do than it first leads on. It's kindof a bunch of minigames collected together into a cohesive story and town. I enjoy it.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's the old nokia game, snake with a few extra bells and whistles. The biggest new feature is the two player mode but I prefer to keep it simple and just play through some good old fashioned Snake. I wish there were some options to change the graphical style though, I don't always love the one they chose. It'd be cool if they had the option to use the Nokia version or even just different backgrounds.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
This game is loads of fun. It moves well and each character feels unique and fun to play. The online is about as rough if not worse than smash ultimate and the story mode doesn't really do it for me especially since the character designs are so interesting and invite deeper story telling. I'm also a bit bummed that they couldn't include steam workshop but I understand that's too hard for this port. I'm excited about the new free characters their bringing over too and it looks like they're trying to revamp their online. Oh and the tetherball game is pretty fun.

TL;DR: Really great fighting game, not too much to do outside of that though.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's great to feel like a member of the survey corps and this game does that for me. You get to customize your own character and play through the events of AOT/SNK up until the end of season 2. There is a simple joy, also exploited by db xenoverse in seeing yourself as a character in your favorite stories and this game fulfills that. The feeling of flying through the air, killing titans when you get into a good zone is awesome too.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's good to know where a fighting game series comes from so for the history this is a fun game but it's later entries are loads more refined. I personally started with FF 3 so it was a bit jarring having very similar controls but all kinda unpolished in comparison.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
Yeah, it's pretty self-explanatory. It's pretty intriguing and there are some pretty alright mini-games but it all really does boil to tapping a every second on the second.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's like if Animal Crossing was an action RPG. It's great, you get to build your community, find resources to keep everyone alive, and try to discover the mystery of this Blue-haired girl. The plot definitely kept me interested and I really grew to like and care about most of the characters. There are some really bad frame rate problems with some of the monsters (see also: pokemon legends Arceus trailer) but it's still a really fun game 5/5 stars.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/6/2021
It's a cool fighting game with nice mechanics. It's awesome that it's free to play and there are a lot of cool ideas with the different characters. There's also a really interesting blocking mechanic that adds a layer of depth and thought.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's a fun, simple beatemup. Nothing mindblowing for sure but if you grab it on sale, you'll definitely have fun with it. The different combos that you can string are pretty satisfying. It looks like a pretty early/very late ps2 game but it's a good game if you get over that.
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Posted: 6/6/2021
It's a really dark game and can get really uncomfortable sometimes but it is a good strategy game.
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Posted: 6/5/2021
Punishingly hard. I haven't even got past the first level yet and I've played it for hours. It's a remake of an old game so it definitely has that aesthetic. Very simple controls. Shoot, don't get shot, get glowy power-ups.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
The trailer for this game was super weird and disappointing during an already (for me) underwhelming E3. So imagine my surprise when I give it a go and it turns out to be one of my favorite sports-based games ever. I haven't played it a lot (joycon drift sucks the fun out of it a little) but this is a game worth playing.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
Pokemon is unnecessary Long Live Nexomon. The story was better, it was great relearning type matchups, the catching mechanic while never challenging was really fun.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
Not great. Just very basic very low quality.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
It's definitely what you see is what you get. It's kinda just worse pac man.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
It's not as stellar as I thought it would be especially since the concept is so interesting but I definitely had fun with it.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
Oh *** it's so hard but it's a bunch of fun. It's a solid collection of contra games and since I'd only played the first this was a nice way to learn more about the history of the game series and how it changed over time.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
Just play mario kart or if you need something cheap, asphalt 9
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Posted: 6/2/2021
Maybe I'm missing something but it really is just, "jump on the enemy don;t let the enemy touch you" I don't think I get this game.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
It's an interesting concept. It does feel like reading a book if the book had rpg elements to it. I'm liking it so far.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
As someone who used to play bushido blade this game spoke to my soul. It's great fun to show people who are just hanging out and the various arcade modes are fun little side projects to do often with the high stakes of you only get "One Strike"
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Posted: 6/2/2021
I got this game during the pandemic so I wasn't able to play with friends but I could tell how fun it was and I could feel Celeste's influence on the game just through playing the arcadey/gauntlet/story mode. I'm excited to try it out with real people.
Edit: played this with my brother and sister and we had a blast.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
The pounding steel druns is so exhilarating but this is another tough one. It's easy to get stuck on the same sequece for a while but it feels and looks great when you finally manage to nail it down.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
A little cheesy but it leans into the cheese and it kinda works. This was a genuinely fun rhythm game that made me excited to play the sequel.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
It's a tricky one. I've been playing around with one and two and I've played all of them. I don't know how long it's going to take to beat but it'll be awhile. Only real gripe is that 1 is pretty unpolished compared to 2 on but it's also good to see where the game came from and it is fun in its own right.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
Yeah it's interesting enough. I actually think the artstyle was cool, I just wish they leaned into it a bit heavier. Made the whole thing look basically more like Final Fantasy VII (the original). Expanding on that I thought thebattle system was okay considering the compramises they mad, but honestly, I think I would've prefered it if they tried to do it turn based or something. Something that differentiates it more from FF XV because otherwise why wouldn't I just play that? (Besides the fact that it's not on switch)
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Posted: 6/2/2021
I was having trouble deciding whether I like this or Hades more but it doesn't really matter. This game is amazing, the story was great, the flow of gameplay and the constant flow of customization that is encouraged by the games' health system (plus of course the music dear *** the music). One of my favorite games that I own. Though I'm not nearly as incentivized to replay it as I am with Hades but that's just the nature of the game.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
A great, quick -thinking sort of game that gives the same sort of vibe as an intense game of simon says. It's deceptively tricky and really fun.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
It's Hulu. You use it if you pay the subscription fee of course. Hulu is definitely better than it used to be. It has more shows that I'm into and the ads don't feel as intrusive. I watched most of attack on titan season 4 on my switch and that was great1
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Posted: 6/2/2021
It's super similar to fire emblem and advanced wars. I haven't finished it yet, it's pretty hard an pretty long but the characters are really cool and there's a bunch of side content like making your own campaigns and arcade mode.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
I don't think I understand what the hype is about. It feels like a pretty standard platformer to me. i like it a fair bit but it's not my favorite.
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Posted: 6/2/2021
I think this game is really underrated. It's story is really good, creating your own DBZ character and having them interact with your favorite characters is great. It's super rewarding to learn new moves and skills, it really does feel like you are immersed in the world.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
It's great. Each game has it's quirks, 3 is closest to being a modern game with a pretty good sized roster. 1 gets a bit annoying with having to collect scrolls and points to advance the story but I'm definitely willing to look past that. The game makes you feel like a shinobi.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
If you like any street fighter before the 2000's this game is for you. It's a great collection of a bunch of different street fighter games and many of them have online ranked play available. One of my favorite features is that you can play arcade mode while you're waiting for a match. Definitely the most comprehensive SF collection on switch.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
This game was really frustrating. It was a perfect game, the gameplay was unique and interesting, the story kept me on my toes, the characters were great, the art was awesome. The ending really missed the mark though. It feels like it ended too early. The apparently patched in a second ending to try to cover some of their bases but it just didn't work for me. I'm giving this game 4 stars because that's how good it was. I feel like a sequel would be able to fix the weird ending maybe.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
Top three greatest Dragon Ball games of all time. The gameplay itself is great, the online has died down a bit but that's alright if you're willing to play with computers or have other people around interested in this type of game.
I almost gave this game 4 stars because that story was executed pretty weirdly at times but in the end it's a fighting game first so I gave it some leeway there.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
It's a nice, relaxing, puzzle game that involves stacking stuff to get stuff done. It ain't much but it's honest gameplay.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
It's a basic twinstick shooter. There was nothing that really jumped out to me as particularly exciting or novel. It may be fun with more people but I've only ever played single player.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
I definitely don't love it as much as I used to as a kid which hurt a little. Regardless, I'm having fun playing it. It does a great job of taking you through the world of Harry Potter and it integrates the Lego aspect beautifully.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
It's a really solid fighter and it's cool that got a crossover from four different series. My only confusion is how to progress the main story. I'm stuck at 80 percent completion and the game hasn't told me what I'm missing. Oh yeah, the story can get crazy heavy and repetitive with the dialogue but you have the option to skip it so it's not too bad.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
One of the best looking games I've played on the switch. There's really no need for a new F-Zero this is it. You're hurtling down these crazy tracks at ridiculous speeds. At least you think that's ridiculous speed until you decide to try the next two harder/faster modes and you learn what real speed is.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
Stellar game. A great homage to past castlevanias with none of the annoyances. It feels so smooth, switching from character to character, hopping place to place. This game is hard but that just makes it feel better when you beat every boss. Also S tier music
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Posted: 6/1/2021
It's a pretty cool DS port that works as a switch game. It's nothing revolutionary but the gameplay is fun and the platforming challenges are definitely something to think about.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
This is how video games were meant to be made and played. The characters are amazing, I feel emotionally attatched to the main character's escape attempts. The usual frustration with rogue-likes is gone since dying is how you progress the story. Darren Korb strikes again with a banger soundtrack. Good riddance is such a great song I can't wait for you to hear it when you buy this game.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
Yeah this is a basic, twinstick shooter, it's pretty serviceable, it's free, and it gives some facts about animal rights violations in the real-world. It is PETA which has had their fair share of controversy so I would look up some of the facts up in the game for yourself, but I couldn't find anything inaccurate with a quick google search here or there.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
Yeah it makes sense. Tetris 99, Mario 99 (RIP In Peace), and now Pac-Man 99. The "99" formula just seems to work really well, giving these classics that everyone loves just a little bit of extra complexity and depth. The problem inherent to battle royales is that if you suck, you're going to know that you suck. And I am not great at Pac Man. Tetris 99 is more my speed.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
A pretty cool enough idea. I haven;t bought any of the games outside of the ones included with the free game. The free games are pretty good for sure but they're nothing mind-blowing. It's cool that you can pick which individual games in the collection that you want to buy, kinda like it's own little Virtual Console. I also have the Sega Genesis classic collection on switch and it's nice to have all of those games but, really, I only play Sonic and maybe a few more if I'm in the mood.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
It's really cool to see where basically every JRPG after this came from. Sure some of it is pretty archaic, but that definitely adds to the charm of it all and I found myself actually enjoying the backtracking. Grinding is a MUST. Whether or not you choose to do it, if you go into an area where you aren't high enough level, you might be able to get through one or two enemies if you're really good but you absolutely will get killed eventually if you don't turn back soon. I've heard some people complain about this version's artstyle and I kinda get it. It didn't bother me too much but I docked a few points from graphics because I felt it could have looked better.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
It's definitely an improvement on the first one. It's a great look into how rpgs got their start and it has a really great feeling of exploration and a much more involved story than the first.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
The colors! The music! This game is a trip. It's kindof like a rhythm game but also kinda like an on-rails shooter, and kinof a racing game. It definitely bends genres and I love it. I just wish it was longer, but there is pretty good replay value. You may also notice the narrator has a familiar voice.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
I adore this game! The humor is great! The gameplay is pretty simple puzzle/high score type of game. And there's endless replayability with a random mode that's unlocked part-way through the game. It's a grid-based game where you destroy zombies as magical girls in as few turns as possible. You earn a currency from defeating those zombies quickly and you can spend it on getting either more time off or more "dollars" both of which help you unlock stories and fun NPC's. I've played this game more than most of my others.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
Loads of fun! Great for the Switch. Weird and frustrating but in the best way possible. My only complaint was that it was a short game.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Hard as heck I;m not even that far into the game. It does feel a little dated here or there but the game does hold up.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Absolutely holds up. Cell shaded art will never look bad regardless of how old it gets Okami is goregeous. It's fun wandering around. I don't know if I love that there isn't a run button but that's just a personal gripe, you sprint after jogging for a few seconds.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
The game isn't as good when it becomes open world. Maybe it's just too much of a departure from what I loved about it, straightforward platforming with a bunch of cool innovations. Regardless4.5/5 stars but this system doesn;t let me do fractionals.
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iRamos99 5/28/2021
I agree, the game and story are really well constructed and engaging until it becomes a collect-a-ton and leaves it up to you to make your own fun, imo.
Mickey 6/1/2021
Yeah iRamos99, I really wish I could get back into it. It doesn't feel like it works as well as an open-world type thing. It'd probably be easier to finish with an internet guide but I don't like using those. I'll probably give it another go this week.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Game looks great, plays great, I don't find myself playing it much. It's a really big game so I often delete it to make space but I always end up redownloading it later,
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Posted: 5/28/2021
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Posted: 5/28/2021
I love Paladins. One of my most played games on the system, I originally got into it since switch didn't have overwatch and I saw this probably on alpharad back in 2018 and I played far too much of it. I credit this game with giving me something to do during sleepless insomnia filled nights. Though the insomnia was typically unrelated to the addictiveness of the game.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It's a lot like monster hunter but I'm not really a monster hunter fan.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
I'd rather play smash but this a fun simalacrum and it's free. I pick it up here and there if I'm tired of smash and it's good in it's own right but it's not my favorite for sure. The online is a lot better though.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Fun zelda-like. I like the three different characters having different playstyles
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Really fun. I binged it and beat it in a few days. It was great just wandering around trying to get more resources. Stellar for the price.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It's cool to play at a minute at a time. It's a bit weird and a bit annoying sometimes but I like it enough here and there.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
I haven't gotten too far in this game but I love the opening so much. Each character feels unique which, comming from the old lego games, it feels revolutionary.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
A little dated but really fun to see where FPS' came from
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Posted: 5/28/2021
I actually like COTM better than ROTN which is the actual, like, cannon game that they spent years on but I do love this game. It's really fun, I like the adventure of it backtracking isn't really annoying to me. There are also a bunch of different weapons interesting enemies and cool powers.
It can be really frustrating getting lost but a close look at the map and the areas you haven't explored yet can usually help figure out where to go next.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Switch version is kinda meh but I love AC3 and this is my fist time playing the PSP AC game. SEverely underrated and it makes the cost of the game more worth it. Also, this and the other AC game regularaly goes on sale please don't buy it full price.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
The mobile version is much better but this is an okay compromise for the national dex loss.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Music is great, DLC is included, Gameplay is satisfying and awesome. Love the personalities and the humor is S tier.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Yeah it's kinda like competitive Mario-Maker I'd have more fun playing with others who were interested in this style of game. Alas most of my friends are not.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
If you're dying for an FPS this one is indeed an FPS. Nothing too groundbreaking about it but it looks good and is definitely free.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Great, Mario Pary-style fun with friends. Cooperation is crucial. It is actually a decent challenge to pass many of the levels. I've been stuck on this one in chapter 3 I think for a while.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
You go down the well. Shoot things with your boots. It is very fun very arcadey.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
My friends tell me it's just too oldschool for me. It's very representative of older monster hunter games. I kinda enjoyed it but I liked the demo for the new monster hunter game a bunch more.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It does it's job. It's a fun little minigame that keeps you on your toes. No frills, a bunch of characters to unlock. Online doesn't really work practically but it's not necessary either.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Concept is great, music is great, music variations are great, post game is extremely challenging but so much fun. Story does what it needs to do. Would love a sequel but perhaps I should first play through all of the characters.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Great, cheap, mindless, arcade fun. Shot people, slashed at people with a sword, built up combos. That's it that's the game. That's all it needs to be.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Every Sonic Mania review is the same but they're all true. It's the best Sonic game in years. It's absolutely in my top 5 of all time.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
THe only Final Fantsy game aside from X-2 and XIII that I haven't gotten immediately hooked on. I've heard great thigns about it but I'm not really feeling it myself yet.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
I was more hyped for this game than I should have been but it is pretty cool. It runs pretty well, it's a pretty cool concept, it's just not for me.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Such a cool concept. Just a little bit of extra depth and a lot of extra competitiveness to the classic formula. Throw in a few skins like Fire Emblem and Mario and I'm sold.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Graphics on switch are a bit rough, cutscenes aren't great. Mortal Kombat is still Mortal Kombat and it's great but the incessant push to buy other costumes and characters is really distracting and annoying. The Krypt isn't great either.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Love this game, very katamari vibes. I just wish it was longer but I did get my money's worth.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It's clearly optimized for the other systems but I like this game a lot. Blizzard as a company kinda sucks so I'm not as inclined to play it as I used to but it is fun.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Incredible that a game with super dated graphics can be among everyone's favorite Final Fantasy game. Trust the hype, it's amazing!
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Among Us, itself is pretty fun but the switch version is a bit odd with the typing and the wheel to communicate. I didn't enjoy myself as much as I did on mobile.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It hasn't grabbed my attention like Transistor or Hades did. With those two I knew I was going to sink hours of my time into them. I'm not so sure if I'm going to finish Bastion as quickly.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It's really fun. A lot of the old undertale humor and it was nice to be able to a game by tobyfox without knowing the whole plot for 5 years before playing.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It's youtube. Typing is a bit annoying but that's kinda the default on most console versions of youtube.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It's a rogue-like. If you like rogue-likes this does what rogue-likes do. It's oppressively hard and it can be frustrating not making real progress for a while but sticking with it and getting to the next stage is a reward in and of itself.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Great video game. Absolutely deserving of all the memes. Even knowing the basic premise of the game and the popular spoilers about it I had fun playing it almost 5 years after it's original release.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
It was lame that this was limited release and that it was 60 dollars. I'd never played any of these games before and I'm having trouble getting into them and understanding the appeal. Maybe 3d Mario just isn't for me?
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Bunch of fun. I haven't played it very much but it's a hillarious simulation of what it would be like to be a particularly jerky goose.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Yeah, it probably should've stayed on mobile. It's fine and it's free so give it a try but it can't hold my attention,
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Great story! Great Gameplay! Depressingly difficult but that actually helps to amplify the story of a young woman's mental health trouble.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Can't believe I slept on this game for so long. I feel so free, the stories are so cool, there are so so many side-quests, you wander around, you will find something that you haven't seen or done before. It's actually absurd.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
I hope more old RPG's get redone in this style. I love this game. It's a bit hard especially since I'm relatively committed to avoiding grinding but it's really cool and the individual characters' stories are pretty interesting. Some of the character interactions didn't land as well since there basically are 8 individual stories lines with little overlap but that also shows their commitment to the gameplay model which kinda works.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
One of my most played games. The recent updates have been a bit disappointing and not having Virtual Console to supplement is a bit sad but, hey, it's Mario, Zelda, Metroid, OG Donkey Kong, and it's free if you have online.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
A good, solid racing game. It definitely is a bit microtransaction heavy but you don't have to pay to have fun here. It's no Mario Kart but it's pretty good.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
Great combination of soccer and racing, I love playing with friends. I don't find myself playing it often but I always have fun when I do.
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Posted: 5/28/2021
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Posted: 5/27/2021
It's got some pretty cool hits, DK, Metroid, Zelda. I think I would be more okay with this if it was in conjunction with a Virtual Console option. These free games as an incentive for Nintendo Switch Online + the opportunity to play the games that had been available to purchase on the Wii and WiiU VC would be awesome. I'm honestly vaguely considering buying a WiiU mostly for that.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
Just a solid remake of the originals. I wish they added in a bit more content but the effort they put into this game is very clear.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
Definitely the worst pokemon game that I've ever played (didn't play the 3ds games). It's still pretty fun but the story was really awful. I don't mind pokemon not having much of a story but if it does have one it should be good. There is no basegame postgame content. The DLC was cool enough but the 60 base game + 30 DLC = 90? This was no 90 dollar game.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
Yeah it's a fun game, and I can't find anything wrong with it but it doesn't hold my attention. Maybe because I haven't played with friends.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
Beautiful game, awesome ambiance, hard, fair gameplay. 10/10. Can't wait for silksong
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Posted: 5/27/2021
It's Minecraft. The switch version has some weird quirks.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
*** I love this game. There are three stories in one plus DLC content. Blue Lions for Lyfe! Very few games have as much emotional impact as this one did for me.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
There's a lot to do and it's easy to get lost and distracted. This game has trouble holding my attention personally but it absolutely does what it sets out to do.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
Really cool concept. Every possible, conceivable, 2d Mario game exists because of this. I don't play this as much anymore but whether you're into making or playing, if you like Mario this is for you. Online is a bit rough.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
First finished 3D Mario, probably not my favorite type of game but it was fun getting to try out the different cappy powers.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
Probably the objective best Mario Kart to date, though I've only really played this and 64.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
It absolutely does what it needs to it just isn't my type of game. It's an island-life simulator, if that's your thing, go for it.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
Played hours of this with friends. So many different characters, so much fun, high skill ceiling. Online is pretty rough though.
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Posted: 5/27/2021
My first Zelda game. This was amazing, it was unfortunate that it was one of my first real open-world games because all others now have to compare to this.
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