Level 5


Level 5

Reviews by Narumeias

Posted: 2/10/2022
gameplay fun, story mediocre and boring
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Posted: 7/8/2021
i can’t rate this game a five star solely for the reason that there’s a limit to what you can accomplish each real life day. you can cheat it by changing your clock but i wanted to play it as it went. when i want to play it, i get on and usually finish what i needed to do. the beginning of the game is very slow. what i like about the game is how cute it is, how smooth the graphics looks both docked and portable mode. it’s fun when you have a lot on your plate for the day. i can see why so many lost so many real days living a fake life during the pandemic. and i 100% respect every second they spent doing it :)
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/8/2021
so far this game is great. great story with fun characters, bright and colorful graphics that age very well. the game aims for 60 fps and only dips in intense combat situations. the only problem i have with the game; which isn’t a big one. the difficulty can ramp up like crazy on some boss fights. if you’re going through this for the fun of the combat and really just want to see the story through then i recommend you drop the difficulty from normal to easy when you get stuck and then bump it back up. i’ve had to do it once and it’ll save you hours of farming. if you want to play on normal or hard then you will be grinding for boss fights on occasion.
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Posted: 7/8/2021
for a game that ran like garbage when it originally released this is the PERFECT experience, for switch standards. the game looks amazing for the switch, runs at a solid 30 fps. there’s plenty to do, and from the little bit i’ve played so far, the story is intriguing. if you want a really good rpg on the switch then this one is a must have for your collection.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/8/2021
this game is VERY hard to recommend unless you love the anime art style, the anime game way of story telling, or if you just love SAO. if any of those apply to you and you don’t mind the game looking very questionable at times and very inconsistent frame rate then get this WHEN ITS ON SALE. this was the first game i bought when i got my switch. when it runs good it’s smooth, when it doesn’t run good.. it really doesn’t run good. i’m a sucker for 60 fps experiences but when it comes to switch i really don’t mind lower frame rates. if i were on PC playing this and it was running this poor then there would be issues. it’s hard to recommend but it’s a fun play. the story can be good if you read into it. i played through a lot of it on ps4 so i’m skipping all of it up to where i am. but if you’re an SAO fan and only have it on switch or want it portably then pick it up when it’s on sale. i’ve played the vita port and that looks worse, but can actually run a little better if you overclock the system. but i recommend the switch version for the bigger screen and for being able to dock. you should also have no issues with joycons as it doesn’t require you to do anything precise with them.
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Posted: 7/8/2021
the only pokémon game i’ve ever beaten is pokémon blue. i loved it and it REALLY felt like a pokémon game. when i do play this game i play it for a couple minutes before i feel distant from the game and usually forget that it’s even a pokémon game. sometimes it feels like a game that’s like pokémon, like TemTem. but when it feels like a pokémon game it can be VERY good and a fun time.i haven’t yet finished it. it i really want to. but i also hope they add gba games to switch :( if you LOVE pokémon then get this. if you just like it and want more, you might be a bit disappointed, but overall you should enjoy it. not much of a discussion to be had at the lunch table with your friends though.
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Posted: 7/8/2021
i played this a lot on the 3ds and was pleased to see how clean the switch port looks on both the big screen, and in portable mode. it’s the full base game with a new game mode, and all of the dlc. this was the first physical special edition i’ve bought rn for my switch. it came with an art booklet featuring art from all of the rune factory games, the soundtrack, and a neat little box including the game inside. i recommend this game if you love harvest moon or stardew valley and want to mix it up a bit. :) i prefer this series over both by a landslide.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/8/2021
this one can be very hard to recommend at some points. if you’ve never played skyrim before and only have a switch then absolutely buy this. it doesn’t have mods like xbox, ps4, and pc but the full game with all of its dlc with some hidden zelda easter eggs for fun. the drawbacks come down to the graphics when upscaled on the big screen, and the horrible joycon controls. it’s hard to bring this on the go if you play archer, or use any sort of magic as aiming with then joycons is just impossible. it comes with gyro aiming in the settings, which i highly recommend if you play those classes and take this i he go. OR just try to master the janky controls. with a pro controller it’s just like playing it on the xbox 360 back in the day so it’s the most vanilla “next gen” experience out for the game now.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/8/2021
this is the best way to play this game on the go. silky smooth, looks great upscale don the big screen and on the small switch screen. easy to pick up, hard to put down.
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Posted: 7/8/2021
the game is extremely fun, looks fantastic, and has plenty to do. when the game gets super intense it can drop some frames ESPECIALLY online when everyone is doing different things and using all kinds of different weapons and items. other than that this game is a must have and an amazing entree point for new comers, and is great for people coming from world.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/8/2021
overall really good but if you come from the 60 fps experience on PS4 and Xbone then it might take some time to get adjusted. i can’t recommend playing this game with joy cons either, unless you enjoy gyro aiming which it has in the settings. it’s exactly borderlands 2 and the pre sequel with all of the dlc, the base textures that can be found on ps4, xbone, and pc are on the switch version, but runs at 30 fps. really the only con is the 30 fps, for me at least. if you don’t care then get this one when it’s on sale :)
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025