Level 11

Orange Man

Level 11

Reviews by Orange Man

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Posted: 1/22/2023
I can't say this is a bad game but I really didn't enjoy it. I think maybe I'm just not really a fan of this horror-esc style that this game does. I prefer games with clear plots and not something that is primarily just pieces of symbolism for you to put together at the end for a vague idea of a story. The style of just black and grey is kind of cool but that would lead the player into assuming this was a horror game which it really isn't. Maybe if it was focused on horror I would enjoy it but as it is can't see a purpose in playing.
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Posted: 1/11/2023
I've played very few bullet-***** in my life so I don't have a lot to compare this to however I can still see that this game is something special. Mixing bullet-**** and rhythm game into one glorious and quaint little game that is just super fun to play. The story mode can be pretty short however, only taking maybe a couple hours to beat, but every bit of it is fun. If you're looking for a challenging yet still quaint bullet **** this is the perfect game.
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Posted: 12/11/2022
Besides Xenoblade, Zelda might be my favorite video game series and this game is kind of a giant love letter to all things Zelda. Full of fanservice, content, and amazing music. The gameplay can be very repetitive however which is a fact for all Warriors games so that is something to be aware of. If you're a big Zelda fan, unless you just aren't a fan of Warriors games then you will most likely love this game.
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Posted: 11/14/2022
I've never enjoyed a game so much that I was left speechless by the end. I have no idea what to say about this game to express my love for it. Celeste's plot had me in tears at multiple parts and very, very few games have made me cry. The platforming in this game is exquisite. The game never berates you for messing up because failure is an integral part of it's message. The game is never unfair either. Every challenge can be overcome with practice and patience. I genuinely don't know how else to express how much I adore this game. While I still prefer all the Xenoblade games that are on switch, this is easily one of my favorite games. If you haven't played this then you are missing out.
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Posted: 11/9/2022
An indie classic in every way. This game along with others led the way to large world indies that we surround ourselves in today. And it's for very good reason. This game is brutal but fair and that's easily the main appeal. The platforming is fun with some very charming cutscenes. Truly a required play for platformer fans.
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Posted: 11/3/2022
It's Skyrim on switch. As a concept its very cool but it works very well as a portable version of the game.
However of course with this version you'll be missing out on mods which is the main draw of playing Skyrim now unless you've never played it before. It's Skyrim so I don't need to tell you it's good. However I really don't recommend this game if you've already played it.
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Posted: 10/14/2022
I'm not someone to pick favorites. Mainly due to the fact that my opinions are pretty much always shifting but also just due to the fact than when you call something your favorite it will put down something else you're passionate about. This is not one of those cases. Furi is undoubtedly my favorite indie game. The game follows Rider and mute warrior who has been jailed for some mysterious reason. Freed by a man wearing a rabbit mask and it's your goal to escape the jail by eliminating every jailer in your way. Each with their own unique and very challenging boss fight. However that's really all there is to the game. A good story and great bosses. If you're going into this expecting anything more than you're more than likely wasting your time. However what you will find is a labor of love that is just an absolute blast to play.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 10/8/2022
I went a long time without even knowing this game existed which is a real shame because this game is an amazing Batman story. Granted this is a Telltale game so if you aren't into their very strict style of making games then you certainly aren't going to enjoy this, however the story of this game is amazing which is also something very Telltale. To put it simply, this game is Telltale meets Batman and if that sounds good to you then you will love this.
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Posted: 10/2/2022
I kind of can't stand farming games. Not anything in them specifically, it's just that they are all practically the same except for some notable exceptions like Rune Factory. Stardew Valley however is something special. This is easily not only the best farming game I've ever played, but one of the best indie games period. This game took a genre I despise and made it into something I genuinely adore. The best part is that switch version can be taken anywhere, which makes it the perfect game to sit outside on a chill spring day and just relax to. And the craziest part is that this game was made by ONE PERSON. 20/10
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 9/28/2022
What is there to say about this game that hasn't already been said? Just like BoTW, this is a game I think EVERYONE should play. This game not only feels like a celebration of all things Mario, but gaming as a whole. When you're jamming to Break Away while playing as Bowser you can't tell me you aren't smiling. Absolutely stellar experience. Ez 10/10
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 9/28/2022
This game is rather awkward to discuss because I feel you should go into it with as little prior knowledge as possible. Rest assured though, this game is really something special. The mechanics of this game are very clever and when tied with an extremely heartbreaking story it's an experience you will not be forgetting.One issue however is the price, while not expensive this is an 5 hour long game if that so $15 may be asking a bit much however as great as what is there is I honestly don't mind that much. If you're in need of a mix up in your gaming life or just looking for a short but thrilling story this is the game for you!
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Posted: 9/13/2022
My persona bias against platformers strikes again however this one in particular I can see something very special. This game is very ahead of it's time where every indie game now is an 8-bit through back. This game however presents a decent story and the platforming itself is decent fun however the artstyle is very bland and there's not a lot of charm. I can absolutely see why this game is so popular however I sadly wasnt as much a fan as I'd like to be.
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Posted: 9/13/2022
I admire Nintendo for trying new IPs and this one is particular is decently fun. I haven't spent as much time with this game as I'd like to but every moment I did spend with it was great fun. Maybe a bit overpriced but if you like these types of games its more than likely worth it.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 9/13/2022
I'm rarely into platformers now, especially since a lot of them aren't very story heavy but oh well, however this game was something else. I adore this game despite my bias against platformers. The game's level design, music, and just overall charm is something i wish i had experienced when I was younger because if I had this likely would have been one of my favorite games. If you like platformers even a little than you NEED to play this game!
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Posted: 9/1/2022
Splatoon 2 is fun. That's really about it. I could play this game forever if it werent for my massive backlog. While I dont play it often, the occasional times that I do play it, I have a blast. Of course now that Splatoon 3 is out there's not much of a point in getting this one if you dont already have it however it's a very fun game regardless.
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Posted: 8/28/2022
Kamiko is a short love-letter to the classic style Zelda games like Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past. The game focuses on playing through 4 regions that each play like their own dungeon with 4 gates that need to awakened before moving onto the boss fight of the area. One of this games min appeal is the price which after playing feels really cheap. Granted the game is short, taking around an hour to beat, but even still 5 dollars feels like not enough, like I this game is worth a bit more than that and I even got it on sale which makes me feel even more ****** because quality like this is worth so much more. If you're on a budget and just looking for something short, than this is absolutely the game for you.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 8/25/2022
I've never played a Tetris game or a Puyo Puyo game and while I normally dont enjoy these types of games, I absolutely adored this one. It really says something when someone like me who sucks at this game due to a lack of experience can still have a blast. If you enjoy these types of games even a little bit then you owe it to yourself to play this. Also a lot of voice actors voice characters from Persona 5 and I really like that game so it gets bonus for that alone.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 8/25/2022
This game has so much charm that I'm struggling to describe it. It feels like a Zelda game that plays like a Shantae game but if it had an abosultley beautiful art style. However this game is a remake of a classic game and it really shows in the gameplay. Overly frustrating level design and annoying enemy placements litter the game however for some that might not be a bad thing. Overall this is a beautiful remake and one I very much recommend to platforming fans.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/29/2022
This is my new favorite game. This takes all the things that worked from both Xenoblade 1 and 2 and combines them into this insanely beautiful experience. The story and characters are some of my favorites. The relatioships of the main party in this game feel realer than any other in the series and the villains ,as usual for Xenoblade, are very well written. The gameplay is a bizarre combination of Xenoblade 1 and 2 and yet it still works insanely well. The plot as usual for the series is very good and left me in tears at points whcih is something that very few stories, let alone video game stories, has managed to do. Overall this is the most beautiful game Ive ever played with characters that I fell in love with instantly. If you enjoy the first two games even a little than you NEED to play this one as well.
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Posted: 7/21/2022
There isn't a ton to this game. The premise is so simple that the game never even tells you the gimmick outside of the tutorial. However it really doesn't need to be. This is a quaint, short game however even still it can very much drag and that is mostly due to the gameplay never going through much chnge as you progress. The gameplay itself though is really fun. It;s not worth going into why because of how simple it is but very entertaining nonetheless. One issue I have however is the price. It's $15 in America is way too short to justify that kind of price. However if you mange to find this game on sale its definitely worth trying.
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Posted: 7/20/2022
This is the definition of a JRPG in it's most basic form. This game is very cliche in its design, somewhat simplistic in it's story, and uses A LOT of aspects from classic JRPGs (mostly Chronotrigger) but I think all of that was intentional. This game knew what it was and was happy with it. This game can be a very good introduction into more classical JRPGs and that's even evident in it's length. While most modern JRPGs have big, long, grand plots that will last for more than 80 hours like Xenoblade and Persona, I Am Setsuna takes at most 15 hours to beat its main story. That's even faster than the Mario and Luigi games. Overall this is a great game for someone looking for a classic style of RPG or for someone just looking for a nice entry point into the genre as a whole.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/16/2022
Recently Konami has built up a legacy of ruining all their franchises each in uniquely different ways. I've never played a Bomberman game before this and frankly I don't care enough to try them. The plot is so basic that it barely exist, the characters are all one note, and the voice acting is just all around a mellow-dramatic mess. Obviously, these aren't what you play this game for. You play it for the gameplay itself. And all I can regarding that is yikes. Based on what I can tell this is just barebones Bomberman gameplay but with annoying gimicks thrown in. There is no reason to play this game. Especially with a free version that is just multiplayer focused which is the main draw of the game. Absolutely avoid this. You will gain nothing from it.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/21/2022
I never was a big Pokemon fan. I have some fond memories from Omega Ruby since that was the first game I played throughout 6th grade but that's about it. This game however removes a lot of features from the main games in order to appeal to the GO crowd which is fine but makes it kind of boring for active fans of the series. A lot of the fights aren't hard just annoying with some of the strategies used against you.The catching system motion-control gimmick is really bad. It barely works half the time and when it does work, the game chooses to role the odds against you. However in handheld mode it's a big improvement.

I can only recommend this game to someone who just wants a laid back or good easy entry point into the series however this is relatively not a good Pokemon game. Best Pokemon game on Switch.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/10/2022
I'm in an awkward situation where I still have the original version of Minecraft on switch. This version has been discontinued without any way to play it now unless you already had the game. This is the standard console version of Minecraft that cam with a Super Mario themed world to explore. It stopped being updated at around 1.13 so it is very behind on a lot of features. However this game runs leagues better than the Bedrock Edition that was released instead. So if you somehow have a way to play this and are willing to have less features for a better playing experience then have at it...
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Posted: 6/10/2022
"It's ******* Mario Kart again!"
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Posted: 6/7/2022
This game is fun and quirky. Its got a very unique premise and it runs with it. While I didn't fall in love with the game like I had anticipated it was definitely enjoyable and would for sure recommend it to anyone who enjoys puzzle games.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/7/2022
I never played the original so I have nothing to compare this game to. However I really enjoyed every second of it regardless. The way the gameplay elements connect and overlap is very nice and it makes for a very fun, if occasionally unfair, experience that classic gamers will for sure love.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/7/2022
It's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. What more is there to say? I could rant about how great every aspect of this game is but you've more likely than not already played it yourself. It's easily not only one of the greatest Zelda games but one of the greatest games of all time. If you haven't played this game, than you are missing out.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/7/2022
I'm not the biggest fan of platformers, nor do I prefer older games over modern ones. However, this game has won my heart despite all that. This game has love in every single pixel and it's easily one of the greatest indie games of all time. All the characters are so quirky and the level design is challenging but fair. It really is a game that no matter who you are, you WILL enjoy!
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Posted: 6/7/2022
Very fun time killer. Seeing as how it's not likely we'll get a new F-Zero game, this is more than a worthy substitute.
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Posted: 6/6/2022
This is easily one of the greatest JRPGs of all time. The combat is unique, deep, and very fun. The music is either insanely beautiful or insanely dope. The characters are all great, especially Shulk. The villains, the party memebers, even some of the NPCs are just such a blast and so unique! The story is almost perfect. Besides some filler and a few kind of dull moments it is always setting up some big twist or building up the cast. JRPG fan or not you NEED to play this game.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/6/2022
Honestly this is just Xenoblade 2 but shorter and with most of the issues fixed. The tutorials are better, the voice acting great, and the character designs are improved. It goes without saying but if you like Xenoblade 2 then you'll like this too.
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Posted: 6/6/2022
This is my favorite video game. That's it. That's all I want to say...
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Guest Date: 2/19/2025