Level 17


Level 17

Reviews by RenyaKara

Posted: 5/18/2021
Speed Dating for Ghost is a short sweet visual novel about overcoming grief wrapped nicely with aesthetically pleasing art.
There are 12 datable characters, each with an unique story and design. Claiming dibs on Spooky Pete and Agatha.
My only small complain is that if you mess up with the characters you gotta reset the whole game. Other than that if you get it on sale it's worth the money.
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Posted: 5/18/2021
You got a ball, you gotta make it big. You also got a time limit and awful controls (which are part of the fun. Kinda like Surgeon Sim and I am Bread).
Also the main guy will bully you.
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Posted: 5/12/2021
The sort of game you play "for the plot".
Not the best shooter really but they compensate with the backgrounds that come in either censored or uncensored version.
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Posted: 5/2/2021
I've got mixed feelings about Journey of the Broken Circle...
One one hand, the story is quite good and the way it's told feels personal. The struggles of accepting yourself in the way you are.
The game is divided in 5 sections, with three big chunks. The broken circle will encounter 3 different characters which fit perfectly in his missing spot. Each character has a different power and a different view
about the world and really they're quite well written.
However, the loading screens, which you'll see quite often break the immersion in the game. In addition to that some of the levels tend to be quite frustrating. And no, it's not my skills. I understand that some of the levels overall atmosphere are designed to represent the mental health of the characters but in the same time it's a fine line between that and making the players dread continuing cause of that one level. Especially that Journey of the Broken Circle is listed as Walking sim rather than platformer.
That asside, the story is worth playing for. Especially that this is the sort of game that hits sales quite often.
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Posted: 5/2/2021
Absolute classic. Plays well, with just some occasional frame drops.
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Posted: 4/21/2021
Weird, quirky simulation game.
First thing I wanna write about is the art of the game. The mix of stuff is hilariour. Each character will have a different look and some are obviously taken from free resources rather than drawn. In addition to that there's the drawings that pop up whenever you have an activity/event running. Really it is hard to describe them and you should either experience or look them up yourself.
In terms of the actual gameplay, you have a limited amount of time to prepare your kid for the big exam. The better they do (stats based), the better your buffs will be in the next cycle.
Beside the attributes you get from the activities you set for your child during the weekend, you'll also have to juggle with having a job (optional) and meeting their friends. The kid's gender is randomised each cycle. On top of that there's a bunch of mini games, some of them quite funny but equally weird. For example there's this one where your mother will have a (turn based) fight? I guess. She'll start bragging about you and you must have enough skills to beat the annoying aunt/neighbour.
As you might have guessed from the title the game is heavily based on rigid chinese parenting. Also I am not entirely sure how that should be phrased without sounding inconsiderate but-
Keep in mind that you will have to work through the game for your buffs (parents praise).
Overall, it is a game worth picking up especially if you like simulation games. The most similar game available in the switch library I can think of is Ciel Fledge so you should check that one out too.
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Posted: 4/16/2021
If you can overlook the fandom, it is an actual decent game. On top of that it is free so you got nothing to lose beside your sanity by playing it.
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Posted: 4/16/2021
Before buying this game keep in mind that at launch it had a 90% discount.
I bought .Cat mainly for the cute graphics and i hoped for a simple, cute platformer that i could finish in 3h and that's it.
What I got was a ruthless platforming experience. Whilst the actual platforming elements are easy to overcome, the enemy AI is awful. The enemies tend to a mix of fast floating ghost and cutesy little apple on a very small platform or medium small platform. The difference in speed means instant death 9/10. Death means respawning at the last checkpoint. I died a lot and it wasn't just my skills that maybe lacked.
Overall, this game could be fine if the AI Issue is fixed but I can't say I enjoy playing it in the current state.
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Posted: 4/10/2021
I haven't played a Lego game since I was a child. I think the last Lego game I played was the DS version for Lego Hobbit. Been a while.
I wrote all of that to explain my surprise when I saw RPG/massive customisation elements implemented in the game play of Lego DC Villains.
The game itself is exactly what you would expect from a Lego game. However, on top of that it has a bit of an open world intermission map where you can collect stuff. The map itself is quite big compared with the intermission areas of the older games.
In terms of performance, it works very well. There's no glitches and no crashes.
I guess the only small disadvantage of this game is the file size of almost 7GB. And the price. Amazing game really but wait for a discount.
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Posted: 4/2/2021
Same Dadish, improved level design.
Dadish 2 in comparison with Dadish got a whole new set of AI enemies, level designs and mechanics.
Whilst the overall experience with Dadish 2 might be better, i feel like it lacked when it came to writing. Despite that it is a very good game.
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Posted: 3/9/2021
Calico is a rough gem.
It is a fun cutesy cat/animal cafe sim set into a gorgeous pastel colour world. Your task is to befriend the locals whilst running your cafe and accomodating their needs. The world is filled with a selection of animals that you can tame and bring at your cafe.
In addition to that you can also ride them in order to make your travels faster.
The game usses the ragdoll mechanics a lot when it comes to picking up animals which makes the whole thing feel clanky. Other than that another minor/major issue depending on where you encounter them are glitches. At the moment I'm stuck with a quest as I am not able to talk with the character that would let finish the quest and progress with the story. If you encountered the same bug please let me know.
The interaction with the NPCs is quite lacking. To compare it with Stardew Valley, even with the repetitive texts the characters feel less dead, less like NPC than those of Callico.
Overall, Calico is a rough gem and I really hope that the creator(s) will continue polishing it. It is a game worth picking as you will probably get 20-30h+ out of it for the price.
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Posted: 3/4/2021
Rimelands is a bit of a weird mix. It's a Fire Emblem (kinda) strategy game combined with a dice game. You roll a dice to see whether you're blocking or not and to see how much damage you do.
Graphics wise it looks fine but nothing to stand out.
I can't say Rimeland is the game for me but if it's the sort of thing you like...It goes on sale pretty often.
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Posted: 3/4/2021
The story was fun. Nothing really new gameplay wise.
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Posted: 3/4/2021
Defeat enemies, jump planets, defeat enemies either alone or co op.
Whilst the game is fun with the mix of grenades, guns and enemies, shifting planets makes me naseous as it also shifts the camera. And you pretty much switch between planets a lot. Which means that if you have the same issues you'll have to play Robonauts in short doses.
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Posted: 3/4/2021
One strike, one kill. Goes for both sides. Fun to play when waiting for your other games to install.
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iRamos99 5/12/2021
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Posted: 3/4/2021
Well...it's a colouring book. Not much to said besides that.
You've got a few free packs with colouring pages which are quite cute.
Other than that, it doesn't glitch or anything.
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Posted: 3/4/2021
Posted: 2/28/2021
Pokemon Sword is a good game. Definitely not the best Pokemon game as it holds your hand a little too much and it takes away the joy of winning a hard battle.
The gameplay is just what you would expect from a Pokemon game. The newly added wild plains are great and they offer tons of fan when catching pokemons as new pokemons will be found depending on the time, weather and region.
The interact with your pokemon part for me was lacking as they took away the mechanic which allowed you to pet your pokemon.
Another issue with Pokemon Sword is the unoriginal story. I mean, i know all Pokemon games share a common factor in the plots of games but this one was really predictive.
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Posted: 2/19/2021
Bought this game cause I thought it’s gonna be a cute co op to play with my sister. And it was for 2 minutes till I heard the dying screams of the seals. Really, if you are tempted to buy this just don’t play with sound.
Other than that the gameplay is okey. Use gyro controls which work decently once the joy cons are unplugged and try your best to get the seals where they must go.
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Posted: 2/16/2021
The only way I can describe this game is emotional rollercoaster. I am not the sort of person who would cry playing a game but ****, this one made me bawl my eyes. Not once, but three times. In a single day.
The main goal of Spiritfarer is help the souls that are trapped sort of in between to pass on through the Everdoor. Each character has an unique story and preferences and my fave part about it is the hugs. Yes, this game has a hug button which you must frequently use in order to maintain the happiness of the guests. There’s currently 3 announced free updates which will add a few more characters to the game. In the current state there is still between 10 and 20 h of gameplay for the main story.
Spiritfarer is a great game and I can’t not recommend this to people who love a cozy, heartbreaking experience.
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Posted: 2/12/2021
Cute romcom stories. The art is gorgeous and the gameplay consists of point & click puzzles. Nothing too difficult.
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Posted: 2/12/2021
I love Dadish. It's a charming retro platformer filled with personality.
The premise of the game is quite simple. You are a radish that tries getting his kids back after they ran away whilst you were napping.
The writting is really funny, with loads of puns and 4th wall jokes. The artstyle is cute and there's no framerate drops.
In terms of platforming, they are quite challenging, especially if you aim to collect all the stars. Collecting all the stars unlocks a secret mode.
Overall a really fun game and if you wish to play it on phone it is free on android.
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Posted: 2/6/2021
Beautiful short game about climbing a mountain. The overall world and graphics are adorable and I consider it good content for the cost of the game.
P.S It took me a little over 2.5h to complete everything, side quests included.
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Posted: 2/6/2021
I gotta say I loved Not Tonight. The script is great, the characters are funny and as an immigrant living in UK the satire was great, although the dilemma between not allowing immigrants to enter the country as they tell you they live there and winnings the level can be quite overwhelming.
On top of that I really recommend getting the DLC edition since it features the adventures of Dave, a hopeless romantic in Paris.
Compared with the main game, the dlc features a few different mechanics such as making drinks for the people waiting and some dating sim features.
The only flaw I can find with Not Tonight is the repetitive gameplay and the minor bugs that strike from time to time. Other than that, great game with beautiful art and the best credit scene.
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Posted: 2/6/2021
Dreamwalker is an alright game for a hidden object.
It starts nicely and the point and click puzzle section is good.
My main issue with the gameplay is that it does not support touchscreen mode. You're having a quite big circle shaped cursor and you can literally move it around for the hidden objects sections and spam A and you'll evwntually get all of the objects.
Other than that the plot twist was a bit of a let down.
Overall if you are a fan of the genre and you see this on sale it's an alright pick.
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Posted: 2/3/2021
YouTube. You either love or hate it.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
If someone asks me to point towards a hidden gem Dininho will be one of my choices. It is a retro platformer and it is loads of fun. Each level has unique aspects and the designs are very very cute. What’s better than a cute dumb dinosaur helping Mama triceratops take her eggs back?
When I bought this game I was quite skeptical since my past experiences with this studio were simply put awful but well I am very happy to say they scored some points for me with Dininho.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Still Ubermosh. Black is better.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
The Ubermosh series is not exactly a game for everyone. The graphics may be off putting for loads out there but if you can get past that it is a great game. It’s an arcade style game where you have to survive in the arena for 60 seconds using any available swords and guns (twin stick game mechanics.)
It can be very frustrating at first since but once you get the hang of it it’s really addictive.
Story there’s not much details. You’ll get comments on the title screen but that’s about it. The music is dang good tho. Cyberpunk vibes.
There’s a bunch of Umbermosh on eshop but by what I’ve heard and played, Black is the best one.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Fun to play with family. Gets sort of boring after 2-3 games but it’s still a nice party game.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Huge disappointment. The trailer for this game promises nice graphics and enjoyable gameplay. What did I get. Rough combat, empty world with repetitive platforms and awful graphics. Whenever I advance the screen resolution decreases and everything looks fuzzy for a few seconds. I usually force myself to finish games but this one was not worth my time and it’s definitely not worth yours either.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Duke of Defense is a challenging yet fun tower defence game. Although not a big fan of the game genre, DoD shines when it comes to player interaction. Rather than being an almighty King stuck in the castle you're trying to defend, you have more of a field job and can engage in the fight with the enemies. There's a multitude of enemies and towers, each with their own unique abilities.
Duke of Defense has levels scattered across 4 regions, each reagion having their own 3 areas and each area between 3 and 4 levels.
In addition to that each zone has their unique characters which will aid you in completing your quest.
One thing that is advertised for DoD is humour. To be honest it's nothing really...special? Unique? It's acceptable. Made me giggle here and there but not really the strong point of the game.
The game also features character customisation and you'll have a skill tree with different abilities to unlock. In addition to that you will have one boss battle per region.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Don’t Starve but has a plot.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
AER is the story of a young pilgrim adventuring on a quest to reunite the fragments of a tablet which unlock the key to sealing the void forever.
In terms of gameplay AER is very similar to Sky, except it does not support multiplayer. The puzzle side is quite simple, the focus of the game being more on the exploration part.
The performance of the game is alright, the only issues being the frame drops during most cutscenes which take away some of the emotional impact.
In terms of story telling, AER shows the player fragments of the story through discovering the shadows of former residents. The shadows will form a mundane scene which help with pulling the player into the catastrophic events that lead to the fall of the ancient civilisation.
The artstyle is quite minimalistic but it fits perfectly the tone of the story.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Smite is a third person multiplayer online battle arena.
Plays as well as on any other consoles. On top of that is allows cross platform gaming.
Literally the only disadvantage is the download size.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Fun story, fun characters and more diverse than expected. The hole is you.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
I’ll start with the fact that I have no idea how to really play this game. I usually mess around with funds and either destroy (by accident) my home country or raise it to the top (also by accident). It has a few modes which you can mess with and it’s always a fun way to kill time when I’m burned out on the big games.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
If you loved Stardew Valley you’ll love Cattails. Might look like there’s not much to do at first glance but there’s secrets to discover and puzzles to solve once you get into it.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Mainly bought this cause of the anime. It does put a nice end to the story rather than the awful to be continued style episode we got for the series.
In terms of the game, it is a story driven puzzle. Nothing too complicated and highly enjoyable. The controls are alright although I recommend not using the stick since you’d end up kicking walls.
Overall, it took me about 5h (counting all the passages I had to redo cause I forgot to save and the game does not feature auto save) to complete and I enjoyed my time with it.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Not really my sort of game but I’m sure there’s people out there who can appreciate it.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
I love playing this game with my friends. The whole thing revolves around smashing LB/RB to hit into either left or right direction and avoid having the undead idols assaulted by fans. This game destroyed my fingers but it’s part of why it is fun.
There’s quite a few characters to unlock, each having 4 sets of clothes and 12 stages to beat.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Lovely retelling of Cinderella. I love that the main character is sassy in comparison with the Disney perception of Cinderella. Has 4 different main routes, each with it’s own branches. The art style is amazing and the story is well written, although as far as I remember there is no voice over.
Another cool thing is as you unlock different routes the achievements will decorate your title screen.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Ciel Fledge is yet another game I love losing hours in. It is a sim game about raising a child in a futuristic world where humanity is living on ships rather than on ground and depending on the choices you make and skills you gain you can get one of the 23 alternative endings. My first run took about 10 hours to complete and I still haven’t uncovered all of the endings and careers.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
It’s an alright game to play if you feel like losing some time. It’s all about forming poker hands by swiping cards till you have bundles of 6. Kind of loses the fun when you realise you can randomly swipe and it will eventually form the hand you need.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Not an awful game, just has bad level design as after a few baby level levels you have to pass really hard levels. Also some of the levels just do not take into account the timing needed for you to pass before firing the next projectile which is sad really cause I was enjoying this. I’ll consider the 30 levels played have covered the cost of the game which was next to nothing as it always goes 90% off and full price is 89p.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
When I bought this game for 8p I did not expect to rage in the way I did. First thing first, I had no expectations for this game knowing the price. I assumed it might just reflect the level of effort put in it. And I was completely right. For a retro platformer I guess it’s okeyish. The level designs are often recycled. In terms of combat system, there is none. You are given a bow and arrows and you can just shoot the enemies from afar. That is, if you want to. You might as well just jump over them cause it will not matter. In terms of boss fights, they’re the worst. Complete garbage. The only thing you need to do is stay out of range and shoot all the arrows you own. Once you defeat them and continue the almost story, you unlock a new region with the same enemies but different colour scheme, If anything, how the next region will look was the most exciting thing about this game. I’m calling it almost story cause once you beat the last boss you reach your companions and that is it. They tell you you were too late and ta daah, no end credit, nada. Sent back to the title screen with a lot of questions and the bitter taste of the 3-5h wasted on this game.
In terms of performance, nothing to complain about. Works pretty smoothly.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
One of the most boring games I have ever played. I genuinely struggled to finish this. Not because of bugs or anything of sorts, it was just a constant feeling of existential dread as I was trying to complete this game. Not even sure if it would be liked by a really young audience . I wouldn’t recommend getting this even if it was on sale but if you really feel attracted to the art style, I’d say you’ll have fun for about 2 levels.
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VoluXian 1/27/2021
Definitely not one of the most boring games I've played, but it does lack spirit... and replayability, for how short it is.
Posted: 1/25/2021
This game broke my heart. I was emotionally invested with this game and I really enjoyed it but sadly the game is broken and despite trying to reinstall, delete data etc it just freezes and that’s it.
Truly a shame cause it was a really enjoyable game with likeable characters.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Cheap alternative to Mario Kart and good party game especially if you buy it on bargain.
Offers a range of fruit inspired characters each with their own unique powers.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Gunman Clive collection is a really enjoyable game. It plays well on Switch and if I remember right you get 50 diverse levels for the price. The levels are divided in arcs of 5 with each 5th level being a boss fight.
For me Gunman Clive was a trial and error experience as it is the sort of game that will require you to remember what comes ahead.
It offers different difficulties for all skills and speed run opportunities.
My personal favourite is Gunman Clive 2 for the more diverse graphics and locations.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Fun short game perfect for any age.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
It took me 38 tries to beat Hades. Each run was unique, the conversation with each *** was always different and I did not feel the 30 hours i have pretty much played the same thing again and again.
Hades is great, no doubt to that. The level of interaction Hades has is something I haven’t experienced beforehand in any other video game. I am not completely sure how else to describe my experience with Hades other than an rollercoaster of frustration and joy, and the proudness of finally winning. Feels **** great what can I say.
And even after winning, there’s still a lot to do in Hades. There’s a huge amount of post game content and I can see myself losing another 30h in Hades, if “lost” is truly the word to describe them.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
One of those puzzle games that make you feel **** smart when you’ve passed the level. Quite a challenge is not enough to describe Baba is You.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Insanely fun 2D adventure. If you love Minecraft you'll surely love Terraria. Although i assume that at this point it might be common knowledge.
Other than that, the Online multiplayer is stable and it's always a joy to lose hours playing this with my fiancé.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Cat quest is a really fun game. The gameplay is quite simple, slash your way through the enemies and roll or use some magic to deal elemental damage. It can be quite repetitive since there aren’t that many monsters or foe.
The best thing about Cat Quest is the side quests and characters. The open world is not huge, hence you get to pretty much get involved with most of the characters although for a short period of time. The side quests are usually divided in 2-4 chapters and have a level difference of 5-10 levels.
Overall it took me about 5h to complete Cat Quest and I can say I had a good time. The game often goes on sale and it’s always a good grab.

P.S. I personally prefer Cat Quest rather than Cat Quest 2.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
Epic adventure, good port, nothing to lose. Although the price is a bit high knowing that you can get it for quarter the price on other platforms. In terms of glitches haven’t seen too many which is great. Other than that if you buy it keep in mind it will occupy 13.6GB.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
I doubt there’s any Nintendo fan who does not know about Animal Crossing New Horizon. As an old fan, New Horizon is a fresh addition to the series. Once you start playing it be prepared to lose hundred of hours in game.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
The best farming simulator I have played in a long while. Whilst some might find the farming system boring or repetitive, I believe that the true charm of Stardew Valley comes from the world immersion. Finding the secrets of the valley and interacting with the NPCs is probably one of my favourite things about Stardew Valley.
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Posted: 1/25/2021
A wide variety of levels for all skills, cute story and fun challenge.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025