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Reviews by Slug0bear

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Posted: 9/19/2020
I'm abit confused on how to play the game. It's an endless scroller, I know that. Certain things about it confuse me I guess, no real way for me to explain it. It's a very pretty game, the graphics are so stylized and wonderful. The controls are pretty good too! I'd recommend this game to anyone who would be interested, but I also recommend watching youtube for more reviews!
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Posted: 9/14/2020
This game feels soft. I'm sort of confused playing it but I wanna keep looking around. Everything is so pretty, and I'm enjoying it.
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Posted: 9/13/2020
It's fine..I don't hate it. But it feels so dead sometimes and the animation lacks so much. I got bored pretty quickly and ended up giving it to my older sister.
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Posted: 9/13/2020
It's super fun to play with friends, the characters are great. I main Toon Link if I can, if not him, then it's usually Ness. I haven't played most of the story mode, but I will eventually!
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Posted: 9/13/2020
I bought this because I was bored. It's weird, and the controls are terrible. It's not worth its low price, and not worth your time.
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Posted: 9/13/2020
It's literally youtube. It works fine, doesn't lag usually. It doesn't crash for me, It's fine.
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Posted: 9/12/2020
Super fun and responsive, It's a good party game to play with friends!
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Posted: 9/12/2020
Super cute! Totally worth it as a FREE game. I got bored pretty quickly, but it's worth trying out!
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Posted: 9/12/2020
Super cute! It gets sort of boring the more you go on though.
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Posted: 9/12/2020
It's free! But...sort of boring and ehhh, I dropped it real quick.
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Posted: 9/12/2020
It's good as a free game! Abit limiting and confusing, but other than that it's pretty fun! Sort of like splatoon with a mix of maybe...fortnite?
Good to pass the time! It's an online game though!
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Posted: 9/12/2020
Uhhhhh, ye s ? ? ? ? It's on sale currently. Early September 2020, G E T I T, only if you can, it's so good!!!!!!!
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Posted: 9/12/2020
It's free, so...cool! But I literally can't play it. It's not working.
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Posted: 9/11/2020
Great for being sorta free! If you don't have alot of games, then this is literally perfect if your into retro!
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Posted: 9/11/2020
This is great for being free, I wish there was more, but honestly, it's still a ton of games for...well, sorta free.
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Posted: 9/9/2020
Such a fun game! I'm abit confused on how to play It, but it's not that bad. It reminds me of stardew valley and Minecraft. I'd totally recommend it!
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Posted: 9/8/2020
I'm not a huge fan of south park, but their games are honestly really good. I think the controls for the sequel are better, especially the fighting mechanics, but this one is so fun too though. I love the customization, and how you cant ACTUALLY CHOOSE to give the middle finger to Cartmen. I'm bummed it's not in the other game.
Get this game on sale! It's so worth it, even if it's not on sale, but keep an eye out!
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Posted: 9/8/2020
So pretty, just...the style alone is amazing?? Like. It's great, I love it. The gameplay is pretty fun, and I'm not the biggest fan of the control of the firefly, but it's not that bad honestly.
I'd totally recommend this game to anyone into stylistic games, it's just so pretty and I can't stop messing with the hair.
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Posted: 8/31/2020
This is a pretty fun game! It's not super complicated, at least in the beginning, but it can be a bit confusing. The graphics are pretty and I love the way the protagonist ran.
I'd recommend this game! Best to get it on sale though.
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Posted: 8/29/2020
It's a pretty good game, but it's kind of slow? I really enjoy it even though I dislike the show itself, I'm having fun! So, it's a game I would recommend but just know it might freeze for like...a few seconds or just have longer loading times, so beware !
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Posted: 8/28/2020
Okay- this is not a bad game, I'm just experiencing buyer's regret. The controls when it comes to the notebook are weird but not the worst, it feels more limiting than I remember and I only bought it due to nostalgia.
If you are gonna buy this, you're better off just getting it on sale. It just doesn't feel like it's worth its price, especially at Canadian prices.
It's not a bad game, but It's not really worth getting the switch port.
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Posted: 8/24/2020
A super fun game! I'm still getting used to it, but It's pretty cool. I'd super recommend if you're into arcade-style fighting games !
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Posted: 8/20/2020
This is a pretty ok game. It feels more 2d than 3d, and the plot is confusing. The graphics are pretty and I like the protag's character model and the flowy fabric.
I don't think this is a game you should actually buy unless it's on sale. It feels a lot like a mobile game than a switch one. I don't regret getting it, but I got it on sale so - yea.
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Posted: 8/19/2020
It's...okay? The controls are limited, but it's 2d, so it's not that bad. But the platforming is frustrating and the controls feel so slow sometimes. It's not really worth buying unless it's on sale.
The only thing I like about the game is its design.
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Posted: 8/15/2020
such a short sweet game, I'd honestly recommend it.
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Posted: 8/14/2020
It's minecraft! It's good!
I don't like how..slow it runs sometimes, it just...lags alot. But that's probably my internet.
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Posted: 8/14/2020
Uh..yea, it's a good game. It's just..Mario, that's it. It's exactly what you expect out of Mario- the only thing that makes it special is probably Toadette.
It's not my favourite game, but I'm not really into Mario anyways, but playing it with friends makes it super fun and it's a pretty forgiving game.

Give it try with some friends and you'll have some fun.
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Posted: 8/14/2020
This game is...very confusing? I love it a lot, it's super cool and such, But it just doesn't...tell you anything. It doesn't tell you how the puzzles work, what your supposed to do or press. It's incredibly unforgiving, and one of the...e a s i e s t ways to play this is with some kind of walk through for a guide. Without one, you don't have much of a chance.

This game is one where you will die over and over, and I'd recommend breaks so you can cool down. This game loves trial and error, so get used to it.

But the graphics for both the original and remaster are just...so pretty- gorgeous and so...otherworldly? I love the aesthetic. The way the main character, Lester, traverses around the world and the way he interacts with it is just.. so cute? I don't know, I like him. He's a dork.

The game runs very smooth and you don't need to wait- just beware the controls, it's a bit to get used to it.

Overall, if you want a challenge...this is a game I'd recommend! I'd also recommend watching the game grumps playthrough of it! They're super funny and Dan is a very good guide for the puzzles.

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Posted: 8/12/2020
Oh my ***- play this game, it's so good!
The characters are amazing, I love Shane and Elliot (I missed his event because of a town event and I wanna cry!)
The storyline is so good, and the characters have so much personality.
If your playing this game though, Don't trust Pierre, he is an enemy to all farmers. Just use the box, we surpassed the need to sell to Pierre.
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Posted: 8/12/2020
It's a good game, I'd totally recommend it!
But the villagers are kinda boring, you need different types so you can actually get different dialogue and they're all...too kind.
The gameplay is fine, but I really want a lot of things in the game that it lacks, and it bums be out.
The design is super cute and I love how inclusive it is!
I love the ability to freely express yourself with your island and fashion!
It's a cute game, and I'd reccomend it to anyone.
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Posted: 8/12/2020
This game isn't my cup of tea. But honestly, it's so cute!!!
The gameplay is fine, but the puzzles are a bit confusing and I feel like there's a lack of guidance- but I suck at puzzles so it's probably just me.
The design is so adorable, it's what drew me in.
If your into puzzles, I think you should give it a try!
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Posted: 8/12/2020
This is such a fun game!
My older brother got it for me on my birthday, and It's so fun to play!
If your into fighting based games then this would be a huge recommendation, especially if you love LOZ! It has so many characters, my favourite being Ravio!
I'm not the hugest fan of the art style, but it's not the worst, so it's very easy to overlook it!
The main questline is also not my favourite, mostly due to having to play as characters I dislike, but just pushing on works fine.

It's a good game, and I think people should try it!
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Posted: 8/12/2020
...Play it.
It's super good and the controls are nice. The design of this game is gorgeous and I'd often just wander up mountains just because I could.
The shrines are alright if you're into puzzles, but I'm not the biggest fan of them.
The characters are super sweet and I love the little kid in Hateno, the one with the sword quest! and Beedle, Beedle is amazing.

If you're into open-world exploring type games, I'd recommend it!
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Posted: 8/12/2020
It's a very fun game! The controls are terrible but like, in an octodad sense. They're not as bad compared to Octodad, but it does remind me of that game.
The puzzles are harder if you're a single player, but sit down with some friends, and you'll have a great time! This game is perfect for group plays.

I'd recommend this game gladly! It's fun on your own, but playing it with others is the way to go! Give it a try if your into 3d puzzle games and watch some youtube videos of this game! It's really popular.
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Posted: 8/12/2020
This is such a bittersweet game, and I love it.
In Shelter, You play as a mother Lynx and you protect your four cubs. It's so sad at certain parts and I wanted to cry, it's such a beautiful game with an amazing art style.
The camera is a bit slow but it doesn't bother me much, the controls are probably much tighter on the pc than switch, but It doesn't matter to me.

In Paws, you play as a cub looking for her mother. It's a good game with beautiful graphics and such a sad story. I loved the two characters and I didn't want it to end!

This is a game I'd whole heartily recommend, It's amazing in so many ways, and I think if people just gave it a try they'd love it too!
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Guest Date: 2/19/2025