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Level 3

Reviews by Slythher

Posted: 4/16/2020
One of the "laid back" games on the Nintendo Switch. It is akin to Animal Crossing where you can just enjoy the game and not worry about failing the game. Players will get hooked due to the progression of the game where you can improve your skills the more you do a certain action. The gameplay is simple but effective (even the combat). Stardew Valley is one of the games that you can just burn hundreds on hours on and still have something to do or create.
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Posted: 4/16/2020
One of the "must-have" in the switch library. Super Smash Bros Ultimate gives you a simple fighting game with tons of variety in gameplay and in characters. The game is fairly simple to learn but hard to master with nuances with each character. Overall, Smash is one of the best games to play with or without friends and will be one of the best fighting game experience that you can get on the Nintendo Switch
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Posted: 4/16/2020
A beautiful RPG with stunning hand-drawn visuals and a story that resembles that of a playful fairytale. Child of Light is a delight to play, with engaging combat mechanics and vibrant backdrops of the environments that will keep you immersed in this water-colored world. Each area giving off a different vibe and atmosphere. Child of Light is an art in game form and is in my opinion a game that delivers everything that you can ever bring to the table in a classic RPG game.
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Posted: 4/16/2020
Capcom delivers a boss rush game packed to the brim with content. Each and every monster in this game has a personality of their own, with unique movesets and approaches to each different monster. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is one of the most "go to" games if you want a game that will take you hours and hours to complete giving you an experience with nigh infinite replayibility.
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Posted: 4/16/2020
Dragon's Dogma creates a beautiful fantasy world and mixes it with bombastic and explosive action. Each second of a monster battle feels like a movie. The few things wrong with the game gets compensated by the many things the game does right. Dragon's Dogma is a beautiful game and i cannot stress enough how much i recommend this game to people who are fans of RPG action games.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025