Level 6


Level 6

Reviews by Switch4Ever

Posted: 10/5/2021
In this collection, Final Fight, King of Dragons, and Warriors of Fate are great games. Knights of the Round is crazy short. The other 3 games are not good or worthwhile. I had lots of fun playing this collection with my friends when they’d come over, but you’ll probably have played these games many times by 7 hours in and be a bit tired of it. It’s a pretty cool collection, but maybe a little expensive for what it is at $20.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
This has SF1 (not good), SF2 (great), SFA (Good), SFA2 (Good), SFA3 (okay), and SF3 (great). 1 is complete garbage. 2 is the best fighting game ever for being unpredictable and well balanced. Alpha is cool but limited. A2 is really good. A3 is cool but the juggling is very cheap. 3 is also a great game, but very different from the others. This is great for multiplayer, but AI is cheap arcade version so single player is worse.
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  • Wishlist
Posted: 10/5/2021
Doom 1993 is a good proto-FPS, although, I highly recommend getting Doom 2 or Doom 64 which have more content in the same gameplay style and are the same low price as Doom 1993. The old run and gun dynamics here as well as the puzzles to find the red, blue, and yellow keys are so much fun. Doom 1993 was just too easy and short though, I’d recommend Doom 2 or Doom 64 more.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
Another great remaster of a great game. Everything great from CTR is back and now there’s tons of new tracks and characters that have been added too. They’ve added lots of new karts and let you customize them to your liking. The graphics are amazing for a switch game. For being the same concept as Mario Kart, it does play pretty different. For its crazy low price, you should definitely check out this classic!
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Posted: 10/5/2021
Pokken seems like a really cool game, but is very imbalanced. Some Pokémon are just way stronger than others. The creativity of the different phases and shifts seems like a good dynamic, but in the end, this is a poor multiplayer experience because whoever picks the stronger character will always win. Maybe some day, they’ll make a rebalanced version of this game.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
I borrowed this game from my friend. It is a very bizarre environment with open world puzzles. It didn’t seem to have a story to hook me. Beyond that you just roll a ball around endlessly until you figure out how to move onto the next area. I got bored of it quickly; I would not recommend this to anyone.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
New Mario Bros is the most underrated Nintendo game. It takes everything that made Mario Bros 3 (one of my all time favorites) work and even improved on it. The difficulty is just right; there’s tons of creative ideas and new content here. There’s even local multiplayer if you have a friend over. Unlike Mario Maker 2, you get to use the pro-controllers even in multiplayer. I think this is one of the best games.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
LG Eevee is basically the even easier version of LG Pikachu which was already too easy. While people were excited for a non-traditional starter, Eevee proved too powerful to the point where I honestly believe that it has worse gameplay than LG Pikachu. That doesn’t make this a bad game, but I’m not sure why anyone would prefer this experience over LG Pikachu.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
This is a great remaster of Crash 1, 2, and 3. The beautiful new graphics exceed other Switch platformers so far. These games offer challenging tasks and have great replay value if you want to try to earn the gems. Crash 2 & 3 offer many different varieties of levels like riding vehicles too. These games were amazingly creative and fun; they’ve transitioned into a great remastered collection. This is actually very inexpensive too.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
This collection is pretty lame. If you have an online membership, you can play this handful of old nes, snes, and gameboy games. These aren’t very good games and would be better if released like Genesis Collection or something like that instead of an online only feature. Pretty much all of these games have a modern better counterpart available for switch already. Don’t get a membership just for this.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
The bonus stars are out of control here and you can’t turn them off. You’ll play through the board excited that you’re leading by 2 stars, but after the turns run out, it will give the next player 3 bonus stars and now you lose. It makes playing the game completely pointless. Beyond that, there’s only a few maps, obnoxious motion controls, and you can’t use pro controllers. I like a lot of the mini games, but these are real flaws.
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Posted: 10/5/2021
LG Pikachu is a great remake of Pokémon Yellow. The new content, graphics, and features are great. The only downside is that it is way too easy with a OP starter, Candy, Shinnies, and infinite use tms. Aside from being too easy without custom rules, it looks, sounds, and plays like you would want excluding that you’re not allowed to use a pro-controller; you have to use a joycon or play in handheld. Great game otherwise though.
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Posted: 10/4/2021
Mario Maker sounds like a great concept, but it actually doesn’t work. You can either play through an uninspired inferior version of New Super Mario Bros in the campaign or you can try to make something out of a handful of limited enemies and assets. You can’t make a real Mario map like what you’d see in New Super Mario, just a simple map with four kinds of enemies or cheap troll maps.
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Posted: 10/4/2021
This is a good party game when you have lots of people playing, but tends to be hollow if only one or two people are playing. The items and stage hazards keep keep things from getting too boring and repetitive, but result in lots of cheap deaths. The gameplay is a little too simple to make it a serious skill based fighter. The campaign and single player are pretty boring; only get this if you want a party game for 3+ players.
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Posted: 10/4/2021
Mario Kart 8 is the perfect racing game. With auto-steer & auto-accelerate, this could be a great first game for a young kid. Meanwhile
a hardcore gamer can spend years trying to set the world records on the time trials. MK8 is everything that a racing game should aspire to; it’s no wonder that it’s the best selling racing game of all time.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025