Level 19


Level 19

Reviews by VoluXian

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Posted: 8/17/2022
Frogun is just one of those games you have to play and get a feel for, despite it being a straightforward isometric platformer. Me personally, it's fantastic. It really pulls off the N64, 3D vibe to me. Physics take a bit to adjust to, and sometimes I just want to be able to run, but clinging to walls and objects with your pal in hand, Frogun is a nice enough way to get around quickly. However (will there ever not be a however?), the physics are quite jank in some areas; which makes trying to 100% a handful of stages feel like an unnecessary challenge. On top of that, checkpoints are usually not in convenient spots to save your progress of collecting in case of a death. Thankfully patches - including adding more checkpoints, are still being worked on, and all of my qualms should lessen [*wishfully thinking*].

But even with all the current flaws, this game is so much fun. Cheesing levels is more satisfying than it should be too heheh.
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Posted: 8/17/2022
Another nice, casual fun multiplayer Kirby game! It's right down my alley of enjoyment. Races and battles that can put on the pressure at times, especially if you're in the lead. Though it's up to the person whether or not the gameplay loop is worth $15USD. The replayability is there, albeit you will probably experience most of what the game has to offer in the first hour, after that it's just playing more, leveling up and unlocking more stuff.

Online matches so far have had good connection, aside from a few stutters of lag, which very well 'plucks on my happy-hairs' if you will, lol. Hopefully the playerbase stays active enough in the long run, as that's one worry I have.
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Posted: 7/17/2022
As some might have already said: play Fall Guys on another platform if you can. It's not terrible on Switch... just kind of terrible concerning things like other players' jarringly low framerate and semi-frequent crashes. More patches are in order, but nothing can patch the overpriced store that has been influenced by Epic Games.
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Posted: 7/9/2022
This was shadow dropped during the 3rd Party Direct, and it instantly caught my eye. Glad to say that it's solid. Good and interesting story that's not too complex or drawn out, which I personally have come to like. Controls and combat couldn't feel any more fluid for it being a 2D roguelike. Each attempt to clear the game isn't the exact same, so you'll have to adapt with the weapons (Liliputs) and accessories you come across. I'd put this sleeper of a hit in my personal game awards if I had one lol.
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Posted: 5/11/2022
Really decent fun, especially with friends. Can't say I was expecting too much from this title tbh, but what's there from a content standpoint is... fair. Compared to Wii Sports and Resort, it feels lacking on many fronts. And the slow trickle of updates might not be that much of a help in solving this. Aside from those things, this is a wonderful casual game and a nice nod to the Wii Sports era.
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Posted: 3/13/2022
The one thing I really like about this game is its pure fun gameplay. Somewhat similar feel to Mario Kart 8, but you can also see the things that sets itself apart: like tiers of items (level 1, 2, 3) and racer-specific special abilities to list a few.

Edit: some of the following, such as the stingy microtransactions and slow level-ups, has been backpedaled on a bit. However, as of Season 2 there is no way to get the character Cloud if you missed out.

Now for the other stuff that's sub par to me: The slow leveling in order to receive more currency (yep, currency... 3 of them... in a $50 USD game) and the expensive shop that also houses a premium pass where it's the only way to unlock Cloud. That's not all - there's 2 options, 1 to get access to eventually unlock Cloud, or the other to skip to level 60 and get Cloud instantly; this option being much more expensive. The even scummier part is that you have to buy the game before you can buy either of the passes.

Stuff like this just makes Chocobo GP feel like it should have been fully free-to-play, rather than limited options with its free-to-start version.

The in-game shop aside, this really is a fun racer. I would at least hope Square sees the players' annoyance with their greed and tones it down in the future (one can only dream).
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 3/8/2022
Bought this because of the title looool. Wasn't expecting much, but was kinda surprised at the creativity and differing mechanics of the puzzles. I had to really use my brain to solve some of em. The controls are good enough, though I did run into some minor issues that killed the possibility of beating a puzzle on an attempt. Quality of the unlockable art (wink wink) isn't that good imo, but that's not a deal breaker. The way the game looks in general isn't my favorite, either.

Anyways, I had a bit'a fun beating all the puzzles and will probably never play this again lmao.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 3/8/2022
I've always wanted to play Puzzle and Dragons, and this was definitely a decent starting point. The puzzle mechanics are mostly straightforward, along with an easy-to-understand element triangle; what beats what. As you progress in the mission mode, your team (along with the enemies) will beef up in strength, so knowing how to build damage by combo'ing is vital. I'm not really that into puzzle matchers other than puyo, but this series makes it feel fulfilling to me. For its price and content, you can't go wrong!
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Posted: 2/11/2022
Patience, Learning, Perfecting. These are the things you need if you want to hop to the top. Jump King is very unforgiving if you fall, but as you progress, and eventually succeed, the satisfaction you feel towers the heights you've reached!
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Posted: 12/27/2021
Mario Party returning to its lovely roots. Feels like going down memory lane! No single joycon required, either lol.
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iRamos99 12/27/2021
No single joycon is definitely the best
VoluXian 1/6/2022
@iRamos99 so true. Playing certain Super Mario Party minigames with drift was a pain.
Posted: 12/27/2021
This game's a pixel platformer like SMB2 but you grab and throw stuff a lot more. It's a pretty short game, but the main attraction is playing through it several times in different ways. Although I do wish some levels were designed a bit better, both in layout and textures - a decent amount of textures just don't fit the levels and the character/enemy pixel art to me. Despite these things, as well as its general roughness, I moderately enjoyed my time with the game. Can't say most people will, let alone fully complete the game like I did, as it can feel like a drag at times.
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Posted: 11/20/2021
Platforming feels stiff rather than fluid, and the art you unlock is sub-par. I knew it wasn't going to be good, but I expected a bit more lol.
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Posted: 11/20/2021
The anime girls and art, while somewhat generic, is really nice. Gameplay is slightly fun, but you can just go about completing each level the same way most of the time.
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Posted: 9/19/2021
I forced myself to finish this game. Not just because of the subpar port job, but also most levels didn't feel that fun to me. Perhaps I'll come back to this in the future and give it another shot post-patches...
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 9/19/2021
Just might be the best WarioWare game I've played. Tons of "microgames" and each character mixes em up a bit. The story is rather simple, but filled to the brim with that WarioWare charm. The extra content and modes really make it the greatest WarioWare experience to me. Buuuut if there's one thing that'd make the game even better: online co-op with friends - set up the same way as it is in SM3DW. That alone would boost the sales of this game if advertised properly in a hypothetical update.
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Posted: 8/25/2021
U'r a cat and need ze milk! This game has basic pixel visuals and obstacles, but it's a challenging little platformer. Some of the levels feel samey, though you can tell the differences at least.

Level difficulty scales all over the place; like one level early on requires a near pixel perfect jump - something you'd see in a Kaizo Mario Maker level. If the level order was switched around some, then progression in difficulty would be more logical. Just a small nitpick.

I actually don't know if this game is one of those asset flips on the eShop. If so, it's not that bad to be honest lol.
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Posted: 8/18/2021
A quirky party game where you grab a crown and stumble your way through different obstacle courses, being first to the finish line. It's simple, but definitely a must-play with friends!
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Posted: 8/17/2021
The switch port of Fortnite feels like lemonade with not enough lemon squeezed into it, so it's essentially lemon water. Lemon water isn't that bad, but I'd assume most people like a fresh glass of lemonade better. If you're fine with lemon water, the switch version will quench your thirst pretty well.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 8/4/2021
Not that into MOBAs, but the fun simplicity of Unite gives it an edge over other MOBAs that have more going on in 'em - especially for the casual crowd as it's entry level. Now its pay-to-win setup... kinda booty ngl. As proven by a slew of YT vids, you won't become powerful as quickly without forking over a few big ones. It's an unfortunate route that The Pokemon Company let Tencent take the game. Despite that though, if you're truly having fun with Unite, then I'd say don't feel bad and support it with your $$$. But don't support it just to catch up with the players who have that disposable income lol.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 8/3/2021
This is basically "World's Hardest Game," but the levels are somewhat easier from the ones I've played. Unfortunately as of now, one of the levels is unfinished, meaning you can't progress. A patch is definitely in order.

Update: the level in question has since been fixed. Though a few other levels need tweaking.
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Posted: 8/1/2021
I'll just say this: I don't like the jump mechanic much. Just doesn't feel like monkey ball with it implemented, but at least the courses are half decent... aside from a few lol.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/5/2021
I only ever played " Golf " on the NES, so I can't easily draw comparisons to other Mario Golf games. Although, most people have stated that World Tour on 3DS was a jam packed, full game on release. And frankly, I'm not surprised Nintendo went the same route in Super Rush as they did in Tennis Aces: bare minimum first, free trickling of content later.

That's not to say what's currently in the base game is bad by any means, just lackluster in terms of maps and modes. The golfing itself is amazing; golf club variety, golf hole/field variety (from the current base maps), a handful of swinging techniques that aren't apparent right away, crazy curve/arch swings, choosing the way your golf ball lands, ect. And when you put everything you learn from the Adventure Mode into practice, it's so freaking satisfying to swing good shots.

Speaking of Adventure Mode (no spoilers), it's really nice. Nothing absolutely crazy, just a pleasant experience... for the most part lol. Some golfing missions were a drag. Anyways, I could see the devs adding extra content to the Adventure Mode whenever new courses and characters come around. They could be mini side stories with extreme challenge. That'd be delightful.

Unlike Tennis Aces, there's no tourney-style online mode in Super Rush, which is kinda unfortunate to me. Only friend/private rooms and rooms with randoms are a thing. Oh, and I didn't touch on the different golf modes, but everyone knows Speed Golf is the best addition. Fast paced swinging hyper-dash to the hole! It's invigorating! Going back to the regular take-turns golf mode after nothing but Speed Golf feels like time is stuck in a sand bunker.

But yeah, overall a solid Mario Golf game, just pretty content-barren as of writing this review.

Edit: 3 updates later and the game feels a bit better content-wise. Unfortunately, the updates are done now, which means they only supported Super Rush for a few months... I didn't expect support to last as long as it did for Tennis Aces, but I'd be lying saying I'm not disappointed in the slightest by the finalized state of the game.
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Posted: 6/30/2021
There's not enough pages to write the entire bee movie script in this app, smh.
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Posted: 6/30/2021
As with a lot of eShop titles, this one's a port of a mobile game. It's a top-down combat game where you move around in sections of a facility, dodging and destroying groups of enemy robots.. and that's pretty much it in terms of the gameplay loop. There's a good amount of enemy variety, plus you'll have to upgrade your characters' kit as the robots become stronger the further you progress. It's not anything amazing, but I had a good (and seldom frustrating) time with it.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/20/2021
Anyone remember this on the Wii U before Minecraft released? Interesting times, lol. It's an ok MC clone, and it sets itself apart in ways. Its survival mode (that's only 1 pre-made but sizeable map) gets brutal somewhat quickly, so you have to prepare fast or you'll likely die a lot at night.

There's some aspects of this game that don't make sense to me: one being if you build your base on ground level, it has a high possibility of getting destroyed by the demolition mobs that spawn later in the game. And getting yourself situated in general takes way longer than it does in Minecraft; feels like much more of a chore. You'll know what I mean if you look through how to craft certain items. It's a heck of a process that will require several in-game days spent of gathering materials, mining, ect. I suppose once you have the essentials the game becomes easier, though it doesn't feel that satisfying to me after reaching that point.

There's also creative mode, as well as a skin editor, which is kinda cool.

If this game has a good sale and you fancy MC-like games, I'd grab it to give survival a go. Just be ready for all the shenanigans that will occur lol.
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Posted: 6/13/2021
Blue Fire feels like nice mix of games like LoZ and Hollow Knight. Exploring, platforming, and combat is some of the most fun I've had while playing a game like this. There's several abilities scattered across the realm that will enhance your movement options, as well as make some difficult places a lilttle more bearable. The story is pretty interesting, but not anything award-winning. It's a whole, challenging experience altogether.
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Posted: 6/13/2021
You have 1 minute to beat the game... jk, that's impossible. You technically have all the time in the world to explore and progress the LoZ-like land in 1-minute intervals. After each minute, you die and respawn at the most recent checkpoint you visited. Minit makes you realize how much you can actually do in a minute, which I really dig. Gets your speedrun senses tingling. I guess this game can be kinda annoying if you don't know where to go next and you're just wasting your minutes away. That will happen serveral times. In spite of that, Minit's worth every minute you spend playing.
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iRamos99 6/14/2021
"Worth every minute..." well done!
VoluXian 6/14/2021
@iRamos99 I couldn't help but PUNch it in there. ;)
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Posted: 6/13/2021
Levelhead is somewhat similar to Mario Maker, but, in many ways: comepletely different. You're a delivery bot, GR-18, carrying a box as you need it to activate the goal in each level - which can really add flare to levels. Stand on, throw, or even give yourself extra vertical distance with the box by pushing off of it after a jump. That and the movement in general just tessellates together so well as you're playing.

Compared to Mario Maker, the level editor is more robust with options for each object and item. It's kind of crazy-nice how specific you can configure mechanisms to react to other things/circumstances in your level (if that even makes sense). Some examples: kill all the enemies in an area to open a door, have boxes on top of three switches simultaneously to trigger an item to appear, don't be within the radius of certain sensor objects so that death spikes don't appear beneath you, ect. Extra specifics such as those comes with more complexity, but it adds so much more room for creativity.

There's a fun story mode that acts as a tutorial for all of the enemies and objects in the game, and playing through it unlocks them in parts. It's fairly lengthy, packaged with some serious challenges, too.

Levelhead is such a hidden gem that deserves all the love.
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Posted: 6/10/2021
A FUNtastic little multiplayer party game, this is! It's just one of those games that you HAVE to play with your irl friends - and then get too competitive and rage a ton.
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Posted: 6/7/2021
The premise of the game isn't anything crazy unique, but it gets pretty fun when you really grasp the physics and mechanics. It's satisfying to get a good shot on somebody, sending them into a death wall/block. You can even perform MLG ricochet trick shots with some weapons to mix things up. For a free game, it's seriously worth at least trying out!
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Posted: 6/5/2021
Yes, Hentai is in the title lmao. Waifus vs Monsters, essentially. Ya shoot em up. I'm pretty sure all the enemies are pre-made assets. The movement and aiming is jank, but that sorta makes it fun lol. (Maybe this is GoTY in another dimension)
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/2/2021
Your childhood friend has turned into a mermaid... and she's a cute tsundere. It's another visual novel with mutiple endings, but I really like the artstyle of this one, and how it played out kept me somewhat invested. I had a few big "HUH" moments as more of the plot unfolded, which doesn't happen to me too often playing this genre. I grabbed this when it was on sale, cuz I ain't paying 25USD for this kind of game lol. But I enjoyed this a bit more than I thought I would.
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Posted: 6/1/2021
Bomberman Battle Royale. 64 players in 16 maps adjacent to one another. It's intense, competitive, and of course - explosive. Alongside the main BR mode (Battle 64), there's private lobbies a person with the paid version of the game can create: there you can play OG Bomber Battles, Grand Prix Battles, and Battle 64 - with enough players. Compared to Super Bomberman R, it's inferior graphically. Playing free you'll start with all the default Bombermen and a few new characters.

To get access to the rest of the characters, you'll have to... you guessed it: buy the Premium Pack, which is 9.99USD. Then there's a Gold Seasonal Bomber Pass and shop items that require you to use the currency to purchase, and you won't get that much of the currency from just playing the game, so if you really like the game like me, then go for it. At least the microtransactions aren't as agressive as most EA and 2K games imo.

But yeah, the game itself is really fun to me. Even if you're constantly dying early on, you just want to get right back in and try again and again and again and-- next thing you know you forgot to eat anything. T'is the cycle of a fun Multiplayer Game.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 6/1/2021
Looks and feels like modern Bomberman. Each mode is pretty fun, including the Story. While the story mode is fairly short, the stages that're there are mostly challenging, especially on the higher difficulties... I forget how many times I Game Over'd total lol. There's lots to unlock with the game's currency you earn while playing, like different maps, hats, and other characters. Although it's a bit of a tedious grind if you want all the maps, I personally don't mind it too much. I'd probably wait for a sale to grab it, as there isn't too much content that encourages long term replay-ability.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 5/24/2021
I grabbed this because of the online update a little while back. Adds some real worth to having this game now. The content outside of the online (not including Mariothon lol) is ok-ish, definitely exciting the first go around, and then you look at it as a whole and think "huh, kinda wish there was more substance... and more boards."
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 5/2/2021
This is a really solid top-down multiplayer arena party game where you're a knight amongst other knights - fighting just for the chivalry of it. There's a handful of game modes, including battle royale, which is probably the one I play the most online and offline. You can also unlock several other knights by fulfilling the descriptions next to their petrified, lifeless forms. The replay value is pretty high with this game, since, while there's fun game modes and maps, there's also customization of 1. items that can appear, 2. weapons players start out with (or none at all) in a match, and 3. players' actions (exploding upon death, no shielding, ice physics, ect.) that can heavily affect gameplay and strategies. I haven't played the previous Knight Squad game, but I bet this one blows it right out of the castle grounds!
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Posted: 5/1/2021
It's pachinko and two nicely dressed women... well, at the beginning of a game. As you play and get the pachinko ball to hit certain pins, their articles of clothing will slowly disappear lol. There's different themed pachinko stages you can unlock, but it's not easy as you must clear all listed conditions in the starting stage and thereafter. Every drop of the pachinko ball counts. I had a smidgen of fun with this game, but it's kind of annoying when you have to be nearly perfect in order to progress and not fail, especially on the 3rd stage. Not even the eye-candy is worth the struggle lmao.
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Posted: 4/22/2021
Do as you're told, NO questions! kNOw your place in the system... That's NO fun, huh? NOt a problem. You'll learn to just, say, NO! The higher-ups will try to kNOck you down with their frivolous demands, but get right back up and tell them to their low poly face: NO!

This is a silly yet impactful little experience. Can't say I've ever played anything like it before, but loved every moment of it. I originally did say NO to the price, but on sale I'd recommend giving this a GO.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 4/22/2021
3D World was already amazing on the Wii U, and the devs simply outdid themselves with all the new additions and gameplay tweaks (good online, faster speed, ect). And hoo boy.. Bowser's Fury is the sweet, creative cherry on top! I sure hope they expand upon that concept and create something purely magnificent!
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Posted: 4/22/2021
It really feels like the modern upgrade to Bubble Bobble, and even includes the original arcade game and all of its "how the heck am I supposed to reach round 100" glory. The main game itself isn't that long, but it's more about getting good high scores in each world (which might be even more of a challenge doing with friends than by yourself lol). Whenever this game goes on sale, I'd definitely pick it up, as I don't quite think what Bubble Bobble 4 Friends has to offer is $40 worth of fun.
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Posted: 4/11/2021
I haven't played Woolly World, so I can't really compare Crafted to that, but I can say that Yoshi's Crafted World is a good Yoshi game. Just good. You can tell the devs cared deeply about the atmosphere of each and every level, and there's a lot of creative crafts that work as different parts of the levels and scenery. It's seriously impressive to me and I can appreciate it a ton.

But to be quite frank, not many people will care as much as the devs care about it. The player(s) will be forced to care about every nook and cranny of a level if they want to 100% the game... so many requests and suckers to toss eggs at (throwing eggs at certain objects) per area that pad the game to no end; replaying the levels what seems like several times each. It becomes such a repetitive task too quickly.

At least there's a Flip Side to each standard level, which keeps the pace of the adventure a bit more interesting, albeit you're doing the same thing each time: retrieving all the Poochie Pups and getting to the goal in a timely manner (and possibly tossing eggs at suckers in the process).

There are a plethora of costumes Yoshi can wear that honestly make the game too easy. However, there are some really tough and fun challenges (even while wearing "easy-mode" costumes), but I don't think most people will experience them because they'll probably just move on after beating the game.

Anyways, to kinda sum it up: The game is good, most levels aren't hard (especially while wearing costumes) but good, and the extra requests that can potentially stunt your progress are not very engaging in the long run.

Perhaps Crafted World is simply a better experience played with a friend and not really thinking about the things that make it somewhat mediocre.
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Posted: 4/10/2021
A strange higher being took Toree's ice cream, not cool. This is a short 3D platformer that emulates the old school look and feel really well. There's a couple unlockables, too. For 99¢, it's worth the dabble imo.
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Posted: 4/7/2021
An enthralling exhibit of rhythm and ping pong combined. The motion of the characters as they're rallying is really nice, and along with the lofi music you could call it a "vibe". It's short, but the experience will stick for a good while imo. A sleeper hit for sure.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 4/4/2021
After playing the beta, I am no longer sleeping on this game. It's simplistic yet fun, has solid controls, and runs really well on Switch. No problems with lag in the matches I played, either! Can't wait to BALL IT UP on its release!
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iRamos99 4/8/2021
I didn't remember there was a beta for this game... I'm glad it's good, I'll have to check it out when it releases.
Posted: 3/31/2021
This is a slow paced horror mystery game that has some interesting story to it. Many puzzles to be solved in order to progress through the archaic apartment of your ancestors. There is a bit of loading time when traversing from room to room, which can really slow you down if you're quickly skimming thru rooms, looking for a specific item.

While not a deal breaker, some of the animations of your character and enemies are plain jank lol. Cutscenes also feel too brief and end abruptly. If there was more polish in these areas, it'd be a lot better imo.

Other than that, Sense is a half decent experience.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 3/30/2021
Lemme be up front, the Switch version of Balan runs the worst. Constant frame stutters (even thiccer stutters when enemies appear) and so-so graphics are anything but wonderful and I know for a fact the devs could have made it look and run much better. I seriously hope a patch or 2 can iron a lot of it out, at least on the frame drop side of things.

Unfortunately, the whole darn game has bad pacing, repetitiveness, and the seriousness of the story gets watered down by the lackluster gameplay. Like a lot of people on twitter and YT were saying, and I agree: no duration of a delay would have fixed Balan, unless they reworked the concept into a different experience (ex: us playing as Balan instead, doing some insane tricks through the sky, fighting the monsters and main antagonist with style to save the mortal people trapped in their depressive state... rather than playing as kids wearing costumes while sluggishly platforming lol). Anyway..

I'd say almost half of the 80+ abilities in this game didn't have to exist. A lot of them are useless in most situations, especially the ones that function the exact same way as others, but a bit stronger/better/more convenient. Though I will say, the abilities in the latter half of the game are more fun to utilize imo, even if just for a few areas.

I can only think of a couple levels that I truly had some fun playing through in terms of the level design and collecting. The rest feel like a chore, and plain tedious to 100%. If you want to 100% the game, you'll have to backtrack to previous levels that require abilities from later in the game, then constantly go to checkpoints and switch out abilities (the time it takes to do this adds up), since you can only have a measly 3 on you at once...

Even though Balan isn't the best experience, the cinematic cutscenes are gorgeous (and that's probably where 75% of the effort went into lmao). I wanted this game to be good, but at the same time I didn't have my hopes up.
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Posted: 3/22/2021
You're on ice skates, shooting your gun at other people in the rink (what more could you want?). This is a nice little party game that can get pretty intense. You really want to make every shot count, else you'll have to go scrambling for more bullets as they appear.

Along with local multiplayer, there's also online multiplayer. However, as the fate of a lotta online indies - activity isn't really there. And it doesn't help that playing with CPUs is a faster way to earn cash (EXP), so most players will likely just opt to play local. Thankfully though there are private lobbies that use the switch's invite feature.

Be mindful that this is yet another pixel game, though I don't mind 'em all that much. For its low price, it'll grant some silly fun, especially with friends.
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Posted: 3/4/2021
The first and worst Farming Simulator I've played. I knew exactly what I was getting into, as I saw RGT 85's video on it, and bought it for the memes lol. Though I'll be honest: I did have a tiny bit of fun.
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iRamos99 3/4/2021
Good contender for worse game on switch lol
VoluXian 3/5/2021
@iRamos99 true. I wonder what goes through the minds of indie game devs when they create these type of low quality games lol.
EeeBear 3/9/2021
bruh this is the best game ever!
VoluXian 3/19/2021
@EeeBear it's opposite day.
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Posted: 2/28/2021
Even more lewd shooting (but with optional gryo aiming, which I always appreciate)! This sequel offers more detailed interactions with all the girls, along with a longer playthrough for the main girls Nanako and Chiru. Having a good relationship with everyone and doing the right things at the right time is essential to experience the best endings. Gal*Gun 2 is definitely a step-up to the OG title imo. However, the DLC items (custom clothing, effects, items, ect) are not worth the cost at all.
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Posted: 2/28/2021
A remake of the OG Gal*Gun that is all about shooting those lovestruck schoolgirls with your pheromone blaster. All 4 girls' routes are fairly short, but getting the best ending for each is where the true challenge comes from. Alongside the story are a few extra modes that offer other unique challenges. This kind of game is tailored toward a "cultured" audience, so most people probably won't enjoy the titillating gameplay loop it's built around lol.
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Posted: 1/27/2021
You're a lifeform that was trapped deep within a lab, but you broke free. The researchers underestimated your power, now go show them what you're capable of. There's many areas that you need to take over, with obstacles and puzzles in the way, you'll have to flex those brain muscles to make it to the surface. It's satisfying playing as the "amalgamation."
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Posted: 1/11/2021
A much more broad, open world take on Woodle. A bunch of collectibles that will have you searching every nook and cranny if you're into 100%ing like me. Definitely better than the original in terms of controls, but has some problems running at times, and straight up freezes if you defeat a lot of enemies simultaneously, which is REALLY HARD NOT TO DO in many areas, losing some of your progress if you didn't visit a save checkpoint before it occurred. This alone really kills my enjoyment of the game, despite everything else functioning properly enough.

Other than that huge drawback, it's a fun open world platformer to explore. Just be mindful of the aforementioned..
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Posted: 1/11/2021
This is a shovel ware 3D platformer, and the controls are pretty jank, but I like it for what it is. Kinda fun to speedrun, too imo.
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Posted: 12/23/2020
A classic, ominous, 2D adventure puzzler that I've played a ton back on the Xbox Arcade. Might be my nostalgia glands swelling up, but this game is a great and impactful experience. Well, for the player... not the boy stuck in Limbo lol.
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iRamos99 12/23/2020
Yes! this is indeed a great experience. I also played this back in the day on Xbox Arcade and never was able to beat it. Got stuck, I think it was on a gravity or electricity puzzle. I really want o go back and try to beat it once and for all!
VoluXian 12/24/2020
@iRamos99 Sweet, you too huh. Yeah, both of those places in the game are a real brain teaser. I do remember it taking me quite some time to figure them out in my very first playthrough on Xbox Arcade, and it even took me a bit to recall what to do replaying the parts on Switch lol.

They're definitely those puzzles that feel extremely satisfying after figuring them out on your own. If you do eventually try and officially beat Limbo, best of luck on the areas!
iRamos99 12/26/2020
Crazy!!! Just beat the game on Switch and the puzzle I got stuck on was literally the last one ???? !
VoluXian 12/26/2020
@iRamos99 Nice! And wow, so you unknowingly stopped playing at the very end of the game. I can heavily relate to that lol.
Posted: 12/6/2020
One of the most intimate games on Switch. Gameplay itself is simplistic, but it's really more about spending time with (and pleasing) your waifus. For what it is, I had some fun with it lol.
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Posted: 12/3/2020
It's pretty self-explanatory, minimal chess. It does have online and you can see the number of concurrent players. Queueing may take a bit, but matchmaking experience is really good to be expected.
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Posted: 12/2/2020
I didn't think I would have as much fun as I did creating courses and driving a mini kart around my house, but man it's just pure fun. Seeing the Mario Bros from your floor, zooming through your living room and running into random objects is pretty darn hilarious. And the AR technology inside the kart is a giant step up compared to the 3DS's AR Games, as many elements affect the Kart itself: slowing it down, messing with your speed/steering, and a few other things.

Battery life on the karts themselves lasts for long enough to the point where you'll probably be done with a play session before it comepletely dies. But speaking of the karts, they can't seem to go more than 20 or more feet away from the switch console before the connection becomes spotty, resulting in laggy footage, so that's one downside.

$100USD is a lot, but this will grant a person many hours of playtime, especially kids. It's the perfect Birthday/Christmas gift.
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Posted: 11/15/2020
[Story Mode] It's too easy and forgettable. Level Design feels plain in most levels, but at least the scenery is nice.
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Posted: 11/15/2020
An extemely fun party game, similar to Smash Bros in ways. It plays just like Kirby Fighters Deluxe (3DS), but with more characters, stages, different modes, and 60fps. Everything is an improvement except for one mode: Single Handed. On the hardest difficulty, you need luck to survive during latter stages and it's rather an uphill battle than a fair experience.
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Posted: 9/10/2020
Drum 'n' Fun as heck! Even without using the actual drum itself. There's a decent selection of songs that will have you sweating depending on the difficulty you choose. Though I'll be honest: I stink at Taiko lol. But golly, I've seen the pros in action and I can only wish to have a tenth of their rhythm.
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Posted: 9/10/2020
This review is heavily biased, BUT I know the launch of this game wasn't the best. Matchmaking didn't work most of the time and there was a lot of lag, along with other bugs that could break the game at times. None of that completely stopped me from enjoying the game. I've put hundreds of hours into Morphies Law, and for what it is: unique concept (character grows as you shoot the enemy - shrinking them.), goofy robotic design with face/body customization, fun weapons and abilities --- I just love this game. And I love the fact that the devs put in lots of effort to try and turn the game around with its "reboot" dubbed REMORPHED almost 1 year after its initial release. It was a fantastic update that reinvigorated my passion for this whacky, one of a kind shooter. But unfortunately, first impressions are everything and the hot air balloon has taken off for the majority of the initial player base.

Morphies Law had a massive amount of potential. And I couldn't have asked for a more strange team-based shooter than this.
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Posted: 9/10/2020
This is quite fun, especially if you have other people to play it with online or irl. Platform and traverse the depths of the earth in Donkey Kong-like style (meaning you can't survive a long fall). The music feels like it's always cheering you on, no matter the obstacles you face! But man, Spelunker's such a hidden, buried gem. It goes on sale somewhat often for 50%+ off, so I'd say wait until then to purchase it if it sparks any curiosity in you.
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Posted: 9/5/2020
Yet another Battle Royale (except without guns), but it sets itself apart by the combat and abilities it offers. It's not too in-depth either, which I dig. The movement is smooth as well. It's fun for what it is, and I hope a motion controls option is eventually added.
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Posted: 9/5/2020
A really tough and fun auto-scrolling slasher/bullet-he|| with tons of weapon and equipment variety. It's a bit on the short side, but you'll be spending quite a lot of time on most of the later levels, should you choose not to equip add-ons to make it easier for you. I do wish that the basic movement wasn't as "slippery" as it is, though.
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Posted: 8/25/2020
I'll say it now: replayability for a lot of the sport minigames wasn't quite there for me (I was one and done for over half of them), but the gameplay for each sport itself is solid. Story mode adds a nice, fresh twist on the Mario/Sonic characters. It wasn't anything extremely impressive, but still really cool.
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Posted: 8/25/2020
THIS GAME is what made me discover my interest in the japanese language! It's an extremely good way to learn the japanese alphabet: not only hiragana, but also katakana! It's rhythm based as well as memory-focused. You'll slowly learn each japanese letter in groups, then test your memory in more ways than one at the end of each section. One of the best ways to begin your japanese journey!

One downside to this game: there is a bug that sometimes occurs; preventing the correct letter option from appearing at all, so getting a perfect score on a level might not always be possible, unfortunately.

Other than that, Hiragana Pixel Party is an amazing learning tool for both japanese alphabets. So glad I discovered it!
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Posted: 8/23/2020
Aces started out rough in the beginning, but the updates and patches made up for it. The gameplay loop may become dull and frustrating to some, especially at high level play, but I like it a lot. Compared to Ultra Smash, this serves as a true Mario Tennis game.
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Posted: 8/23/2020
A strange but interesting obstacle course/walking simulator. The speed increases the longer you survive. I'd say it's worth its low price. Just don't fall off.
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Posted: 8/20/2020
The story of Luigi's Mansion 3 is split up into somewhat bite-size sections via floors, rather than 'mission select' like how it was done in LM2, which I personally don't mind either. For a hotel, each section is very diverse from one another (the ghosts have incredible architecture skills, though I wonder how all of it can exist in a hotel lol). None of the plot and tasks ever felt samey to me. There is some back tracking at times, but it doesn't feel like padding.

Compared to past LM games, the controls will take a bit of getting used to, but once mastered, you'll have a spooktastic time showing the ghosts who's boss.

The local multiplayer minigame modes are nice, however a lot of them are locked behind paid DLC (9.99USD). Same with ScareScraper and extra costumes/features within that mode. At least you don't have to buy the DLC in order to play through the costume-unique floors, as hopefully others you team with will be wearing the respective costumes. Regardless, the extra modes are still pretty fun to scour around in with or without buying the DLC.
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Posted: 8/18/2020
Games inspire. The game Takeshi makes for his little bro - Hiroshi, means the world to him. It's a perfect little masterpiece of a story.
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Posted: 8/13/2020
Super solid platforming, abilities, puzzles, and bosses. Though I couldn't find it in me to be totally immersed in the story; I just wanted to explore more lol.
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Posted: 8/12/2020
You have become a panty. You have to help another panty find and confront the leader of the panties. Battle other panties on your new found path of becoming the WARRIOR OF LOVE! This game really is a Panty Party.
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Posted: 8/6/2020
Me slowly learning Japanese, but more specifically: Kanji, this game was kinda helpful with the Kanji characters it covers, but not worth its default price.
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Posted: 8/6/2020
This game had so much potential, and I wish it sold better. Exploring each planet for the first time is graphically astounding, as there is a lot of variety to the plants, geography, creatures, ect. Even flying around in space, not really doing much is great. Engaging in the combat missions and side tasks on the other hand can get repetitive for sure. Grounded combat in general can become fairly mundane, as you just have to strafe side to side and shoot most of the time to avoid enemy shots, maybe hop around here and there - but at least you can also reflect incoming fire and use special abilities to spice things up.

I don't even have to bring up the extra toys/add-ons you had to pay for if you wanted to unlock different guns with elements you need in order to ease some of the difficulty of opening certain chests and pillars.

My review may seem negative and nitpicky, but despite all of it, I liked Starlink a lot. If there was a true starfox game in this likeness with improvements, instant buy day 1!
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Posted: 8/5/2020
The platforms need INK, or you won't quite see them. Also, the physics are pretty slippery compared to most platformers, which I didn't mind but makes a lot of the later levels very, very tricky to maneuver through. Expect to die a lot in a colorful fashion.
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Posted: 8/5/2020
Seriously fun high speed arcade racer that adds its own streak of light onto the genre's road. There's a good amount of offline modes that will challenge the perfectionist in you. It may not be F-Zero, but it's one heck of a supplement for it.
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Posted: 8/5/2020
One of the many fantastic multiplayer/sandbox/survival games out there. And the implementation of Crossplay puts the cherry on top.
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Posted: 8/5/2020
An improvement over Season 1 imo. I can't say for sure whether or not I liked how the story played out in Season 2, but seeing the characters mature even more from their previous trials made this game for me.
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Posted: 8/5/2020
Wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I connected with the characters a lot and each choice I made felt impactful. Definitely liked how you could build structures at certain points of the game, which makes total sense. The combat is alright, though it did feel a bit restricting in ways.
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Posted: 8/5/2020
Boss Battles Galore. I liked the one on 3DS and loved this one. It does kinda stink that you progress through the game much more slowly if you don't pay for a bigger apple tree, but at least beating the story w/o paying is still possible.

Online play is a hit or miss. You just gotta hope your teammates have a good connection so it doesn't take almost 8+ minutes to beat a boss lol.
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Posted: 8/4/2020
One of the strangest platformers I've ever played. I don't have nostalgia for this game, but I see why people love it and Commander Keen in general.
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Posted: 8/4/2020
Crypt + Legend of Zelda (Unorothodox greatness). The world is very detailed and temples/dungeons are filled to the brim with personality. I think I prefer Crypt, but Cadence of Hyrule is a nice kind of different, but just similar enough to where you won't feel out of place coming from the original title.
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Posted: 8/4/2020
This game is tough as heck yet addictive and rewarding. I've probably died as many times as I inhale and exhale in a single week. Nevertheless, I keep movin and groovin.
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Posted: 8/4/2020
Decent visual novel - traditional story with some plot twists, great art, naisu waifu.
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Posted: 8/4/2020
This Touhou spinoff is very clunky and controls are mediocre at best. I wanted to enjoy it, and I bet there's people out there who do, but I can't think of any reason to get this other than being a fan of the characters and series.
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Posted: 8/4/2020
I absolutely loved this game. It's a somewhat laid back 2D exploration platformer. The difficulty varies from mission to mission as you find ingredients and fling yourself around the world with your hookshot.
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Posted: 8/4/2020
I can't quite speak for BL2 and the Pre-Sequel, but Borderlands 1 is fairly well optimized. I did notice a few bugs, like falling through the floor after respawning if you get killed by Sledge, and the game crashing from opening certain cash containers.

I do wish the motion controls were less stiff, because you have to twist your wrists like crazy if you want your aim to really move, even at max sensitivity.

Multiplayer sessions can be a bit laggy at times, but still functional and fun.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
Though I personally had fun with this title, it's not as fun as Timber Man. The tennis court is basically units that you travel back and forth between to return the ball. There are items you can use to trip up your opponent, adding a bit of variety to the game, but regardless the gameplay loop can get old fast.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
This may look like another crappy pixel game, but I think it's really decent. The controls are simple yet tight, and requires a lot of concentration to get far into chopping a tree.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
In ways Spongebob Rehydrated holds true to the original, but that's not to say the bugs I encountered didn't kill some of my enjoyment.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
It's a wild ride of emotions and puzzling walls of blocks. So many blocks. Vincent didn't deserve any of this.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
Never playing some of the classic games in this collection before, they were interesting to learn about and I fancied each one thoroughly. Gameplay of every game is amazing OFFLINE, but ONLINE will vary very much.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
To me, this game is anything but relaxing lol. But I still enjoy it (despite not being able to properly manage my farm). If you have friends who also own the game, online multiplayer is a must. Makes things a bit easier by splitting workloads as well as adds even more enjoyment and replay value.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
This would be the perfect 2D Mario toolbox if: A. Creator discoverability was better | B. Online wasn't so laggy

Other than those two things, I still have a lot of fun playing and creating.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
It's abhorrent. The platforming and combat is anything but fun; just tedious. I want to forget that I ever played the entirety of this game.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
So much love that was put into the games of this series. One of the choice games to play if you want a taste the modern-retro turkey.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
This might be my nostalgia talking but man Castle Crashers is great. Just as great when I played it again on Switch as when I was a little tike playing it on the Xbox Arcade. Hack and slash enemies, score with princesses.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
From what I've played, I enjoyed it. It's a 2D platformer where you race through a selected course multiple times until you're the last man standing. Easy to grasp, tough to master. It's more fun than my plain description of it, so go out there and get running, Speedrunner.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
A wacky, unorthodox mashup of crazy bunnies and plumber gang with cannon guns fighting in a grid-based, tactical style. So wrong yet so right.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
It may be overpriced, but for what ARMS is, it's amazing. I still love to come back and scrap with a few dedicated ARMS players every so often. Anyways, the number of modes is very much lacking especially in the casual party mode. V-Ball, Targets, Hoops, vs Hedlok, Hedlok Scramble, Regular/Team matches. Replayability gets dry quickly for some of these modes. Story mode has interesting lore for each character, but it's just missions. It could have been expanded upon way better.

On the bright side, there's a fairly deep combat system (that may seem like simply spamming punches most of the time lol), rad character design, glove customization, really good online compared to other Nintendo titles, and more (that I can't think of off the top of my head).

ARMS is a gem that packs a punch.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
The big reason I got a switch. When I saw a snippet of gameplay in the Switch's reveal trailer, I knew I was gonna "have a good time" with the sequel to my favortie shooter. More weapons, accessories, specials, ect to freshen things up.

There are a few things I don't quite like compared to Splatoon 1: one of them being more latency on the gyro aim in 2; so you have to time your aim milliseconds in advance if you want a clean shot at the enemy. It's a nitpick, and not enough for me to not enjoy the game.

Modes: Turf, Rainmaker, Tower Control, Splat Zones - these four are improved greatly. Then there's Clam Blitz.

Single-player modes: The main campaign that comes with the game is a nicely made tutorial that introduces you to what the game is about. But the real juice comes from the DLC - Octo Expansion! Challenging levels and disturbing lore executed brilliantly.

Salmon Run, aka Splatoon PvE. Heavily underrated and one of my favorite modes. Though sometimes my Octoling back hurts from carrying my co-workers so much.

I'm woomy love Splatoon 2
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Posted: 7/28/2020
Arguably the most important adventure Link has embarked on. What a way to get up after a long slumber.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
I've played way too much of this game, speedrunning and dissecting each stage. Level design is gorgeous and I wish I had a lifesize model of Chapter 1-1. Captain Toad is a fun little adventure you won't regret venturing into.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
I love Odyssey, ya see. Mario's movement, along with Cappy makes this game for me. Yeah, collecting all 900-something moons may not be as meaningful to everyone as collecting all 120 stars in 64, but I adored that post game grind. The story itself is more or less the same, and that I don't mind, as the lead up to the ending couldn't have been better. I'd pay money to forget about this game just to replay it again.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is like the best meal you've ever eaten along with dessert that hits the spot. Aftertastes for people may vary compared to past Mario Kart titles.
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Posted: 7/28/2020
Ultimate's mechanics are pretty solid compared to Smash 4. Of course there are some weird things like the buffer system, which I don't like too much, but it's tolerable.

Online: it's good enough, but leaves much to be desired.

World of Light/Spirits: it's not Subspace yet I really like it for what it is. I don't mind spirits replacing trophies.

The other modes are also fantastic and will have you spending hours on offline play if you really get into them.

Ultimate is nearly the perfect Smash game to me.
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Posted: 7/27/2020
Pinball with beloved Ninja Waifus. It's straightforward, and kinda fun once you get the grasp of all the ins and outs of the (very limited number of) pinball machine stages. I simply like it.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
For being a workout game, there's lots of little details that really add to the story, characters, and environment.

The exercises themselves are all great except for Mountain Climber (that one just never works properly in-game)

I'd say more but I think it's time for me to flex on Dragaux.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
I wasn't sure what to expect as this game was my first dive into the series. But I was pleasantly surprised by how nicely this game played out. As an alchemist, you're always picking materials from different parts of the world, concocting all sorts of items to aid you on your journey or just fulfilling quests, including the weapons you and your party use.

The battle system is real-time turn based so you constanly have to be planning out your moves.

Something about this gameplay loop, along with the story, is quite nice and it makes you want to keep progressing.

Definitely the most modern feeling version of the Atelier series thus far.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Animal Crossing just has a kind of charm to it throughout all the games. New Horizons is no different. However, I do wish that all the content was there day 1. We probably won't get to the point where NH feels truly complete until a few years from now, which is pretty unfortunate imo. Regardless, I still enjoy every moment of this game.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
This title is just a really nice Action Adventure RPG. Depending on how you upgrade your party it will unlock different playstyles, so there's a lot to experiment with.

Also Charlotte da best healer.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Some of the most fun I've had with a multiplayer platformer in a while. The platforms and obstacles changing color based on the background is a really unique spin to the genre.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Really solid top down action rpg. A ton of fun and challenging boss battles and puzzles too. I just love it to bits.

There is slowdown at times on this version. But I believe the devs said that there would be a patch for that soon.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Not the best shoot em up out there, but the waifus almost make up for it. Wish the art was slightly better though.

Also the game sometimes bugs out to the point where you can't see the screen. Hopefully that gets patched in the near future.
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Guest Date: 2/19/2025