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Reviews by Yusukitty

Posted: 4/11/2023
Even better than the 1st one
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Posted: 8/3/2022
Amazing story and game. The soundtrack is the icing on the cake. Such an emotional journey.
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Posted: 8/3/2022
It's okay. I didn't like being a school kid and having to wear the uniform. They could have done so many other things with this. I preferred pokemon arceus.
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Posted: 8/3/2022
Fun game I love it but it crashes alot and lags. It doesn't help they started the micro transactions now but I love the fun mix of a cozy farming game with disney characters.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Pretty solid game. I used to love playing donkey Kong country on the super Nintendo back in the day. This is a great entry to the series and it can either be super hard or really easy depending on the settings you choose. Great graphics and just plain fun.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Boring and repetitive I don't like this style of game I guess. I rather they just have made a new fire emblem.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Classic ps1 game that I used to love as a kid and it was different and amazing back then. It holds up story wise but the graphics can be jarring at times.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
It's a classic for sure I enjoyed it back then especially x but x-2 is when I really started to lose interest in final fantasy games. I wish it could go back to the 90s style of play.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Super funny and unique short game to play. I found my self laughing at the pure randomness of the game.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Im just not a fan of this type of game I guess. It's just too much going on at once and it just makes you want to play an actual main Zelda game. Too much crazy hack and slash
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Posted: 7/18/2022
This is a really fun rhythm game. It really gets you into the beat and the art style is adorable. It's can be a little unforgiving at times but that is part of the challenge you can change the difficulty in settings. Definitely recommend for someone who likes anime and rhythm games.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
I remember playing this on the 64. Solid racing game just like I remember it.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
It's okay something to pass the time
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Very fun old style Zelda type game.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
It might be my nostalgia showing but this game is just perfect. I love it
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Posted: 7/18/2022
It's definitely a fun game to play with friends over the microphone but is not as fun with strangers.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
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Posted: 7/18/2022
It has potential but it really falls flat for me. It just makes me want to play minecraft.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
This game is more fun than I thought it would be to be honest. It's a blast if you are looking for a fun water racing game.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
This game is overlooked alot and I don't believe marketing was good enough. It's like a mix of star fox (you actually can fly the rwing) and no man's sky.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
I'd say a solid 4 out of 5 for this game. It's definitely cozy and adorable. Who doesn't want cute ghost bear hugs? But it is like animal crossing in the sense that once you are done doing your rounds you have to wait till the next day in real time to do more when you wish you could just skip to doing more.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/18/2022
This game is so fun. I never got to play this back in the day when it came out but I heard good things and had to pick this up. Sometimes the controls can be a little frustrating but the story is awesome and the characters are fun and memorable. It's nice to be able to pick different main characters each playthrough and choose the paths you wants to go down for your class.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
This was just not very fun for me.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
It's amusing. Not quite what I expected but it is pretty cute finding all the cats in each level. Great time passer.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Okay hear me out. Not many sonic games are that great these days. But this one was a first in actually making a character for the game and collecting more items each stage to customize them more. I thought that was pretty nice. Yes it was a short game but I did enjoy them actually having more characters in the game working together and you have to admit the music was pretty fire 🔥 lol I found myself looking up the songs after playing. I do wish one day they would go back to the formula they had with sonic adventure 1 and 2 and the Chao garden (though I realize the creator doesn't want to bring that back). For sonic fans that enjoy the 3d counterpart of the series I think it's worth the money to get. My only regret is that it was too short.
Show Moreexpand_moreShow Lessexpand_less
Posted: 7/18/2022
This game was a delight from start to finish. The story was so put there and silly but you get invested in these characters. The soundtrack was nice and placing a pixel puzzle game felt more engaging and part of the story. Like not completing a puzzle right or on time actually put people in danger. I'm sure this is a highly overlooked game but it deserves more spotlight.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
For such a cheap game I didn't expect much but I was pleasantly surprised how fun it was. It's definitely a mix of that nostalgia for Gameboy games but also a very very light farming game like harvest moon but without all the extra. It's definitely a game that is fun to pass the time when you don't have alot of money to spend
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Amusing to play in short bursts but doesn't keep my attention long.
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Posted: 7/18/2022
Not as fun as the second one (extinction) but such a good pokemon alternative. Highly recommend
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Posted: 7/18/2022
This game is definitely a hidden gem. If you like pokemon/monster tamer games this is the game for you. The story is well put together and unique. I love the humor especially from your cat sidekick. There are even shiny mons in this game too (cosmics). Even after beating the game this Is alot of afterstory and even a newly added free expansion.
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Posted: 7/17/2022
This is what the pokemon company needed to do. Alot of people including myself were so burnt out on the same old thing. Sword and shield fell a little flat for me so this was a breath of fresh air.
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Posted: 7/17/2022
Okay so with their second installment of this game coming out its needs to be said that this game always seems to be overlooked and it's it one of my top 10 games up woth stardew valley. The main complaint from alot of people especially for the switch port was the glitches and fps issues. They have since done alot of patching and work on it. Is it perfect? No. But it is very much playable and the story is great. There are so many character you can romance and customization options. You are living in a post apocalyptic Era where all the bad has already happened and people have finally started being able to live above ground and make cities again. Technology is lost but you can find more tech digging in the mines. You build alot of recipes and can farm. You can also choose to give the tech to the church because they believe the dangerous technology is what caused the problems in the first place. I really stress that people give it a try. The second game is even better looking graphic wise and more fleshed out and unique characters.
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Posted: 7/17/2022
So this game was definitely addicting but I had some nit picks here and there. I feel like more should have gone into the pixel art. I also feel the "ending" was a letdown. They built up some horrible powerful force of evil in the plot just to ...not really have it go anywhere. I will say I enjoyed the mini card game in it and the turn your brain off collecting and farming. Still a really solid and cheap game.
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Posted: 7/17/2022
This is such a fun pokemon alternative game. You get two different shinies for each mon. It's a hidden gem for sure.
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Posted: 7/17/2022
What can even be said about this game that hasn't before? It's one of my top 10 games. This spawned a new generation (for better or worse) of games similar to this. Of course I recognize harvest moon and rune factory but this one made a huge impact on the genre as well.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025