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Reviews by slimepadre

Posted: 6/23/2021
After playing my Switch for a while, I figured I'd expand my library and pick up Fire Emblem: Three Houses. While one of my friends had told me about the game previously, I had no idea what the game or the franchise was about. Though the JRPG genre was a new experience for me, I'd say I am very lucky I started with such a quality game. While the game isn't the most stellar on the market graphically(or on the platform, for that matter) I feel the story and the gameplay fully encompass the genre perfectly. I started to grow a connection for certain characters and would vow to keep my favorite troops from dying on the battlefield. I had never become so engrained in the culture of a game in such a quick amount of time, but this game is able to capture the elements of real-life social interaction between the professors and leaders and their younger peers and students, which is a very interesting component which I found myself drawn to progress. With all these pros, the only legitimate con I would point out is the love-hate relationship you will grow with the Monastery. When running through the halls of Garreg Mach Monastery (main story setting) you will spend more time here than on the battlefield (most likely) and the process of interacting with all of the characters can be a long and grueling process to complete. Other than the grindy parts of the game, the hours spent playing this game will be well worth the money. With the overall hours alone I put into this game, I give it closer to a 5 than a 4.
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Posted: 5/11/2021
Coming into this game (and the Switch console itself) as a beginner, I had no prior experience with the likes of Limbo and the puzzle-style game genre as a whole. Once I finally picked up a Switch, I noticed Inside was being promoted heavily through the E-Shop and was given praise around the internet. After finding the game on sale, I decided to give it a try and I must say, it is a very fun and simple game that leaves the player enticed to find out the story of the protagonist. Given the stellar physics and various setting progression, I would’ve easily give this game a 5, BUT I feel that the ending was rushed and seemed a bit out of touch with the direction of the plot. The whole suspense factor is created trying to find out what type of ending there could possibly be, but (in my opinion) the conclusion was very underwhelming and lacked the creativity that made the climactic events of the game so intriguing. I give Inside a 4/5, as it was a very well-made game(nearly perfect for the Switch platform), but it was missing an ending that would leave me dying to play a sequel.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025