Level 13


Level 13

Reviews by surfinbrat

Posted: 10/4/2020
The AI in this version are not very challenging and need to be tweaked more. With that said, I've been having a good time playing this game and especially enjoyed playing with my brother. He's a PC gamer and complained about the graphics and frame rate. They looked great to me but apparently they're better on PC. I'm okay with that. Hopefully they'll issue an update with a higher difficulty level because the AI are really easy to make deals with and such.
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Posted: 10/4/2020
This was my first time playing any form of Trivial Pursuit. I was a little nervous because I'm not so great with pop culture but I surprised to find out how balanced the game is in areas of interest. I felt just as capable of participating as my friend did (who's more pop culture savvy than me). Any subject you would have studied in school was represented here and it was easy to pick up on how to play each round. I love learning "board games" through the video game version as the computer can focus on the rules and I can just focus on playing. The graphics weren't super impressive to me but they weren't horrible and served their purpose.
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Posted: 10/4/2020
I had never played Risk before buying this game but I'm glad I got it and feel as though I could jump in on a board game round of it if I ever see my Uncle and cousins playing it again. The layout of the "board" almost reminds me of Civilization and its kind of a dice roll style game of Civ. Far more simple than Civ as there are fewer dynamics but somehow far more frustrating than Civ when it comes to losing and making bad decisions! I enjoy the immersive experience this video game offers that the board game alone cannot, with video clips and sound effects and visual effects.
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Posted: 10/4/2020
Oddly addicting, somewhat adorable, take your time as there's no limit, striving for perfection style game play. If you find Tetris relaxing, you'll be into this.
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Posted: 10/4/2020
Somehow this multiplayer madness battle royale style Mario Bros game is more fun to play than the old Mario Bros games by themselves-- despite it all being the same courses!

I hope Nintendo doesn't pull the plug on it in March like they've promised. This is a gem.
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Posted: 9/26/2020
Adorable and endearing, Felix danced his way into my heart on PC and Switch. While PC has the benefit of ultra wide screen and better graphics, the Switch version offers the convenience of perfecting away my levels while in the car and in waiting rooms. There is a lot to love about this game and the puzzles are extremely dynamic but I've solved most of chapters 1 and 2 in about 10 minutes each. However, once you finally solve a puzzle, you find out that it's possible to do it with less steps, less actions, and with a faster time/speed, so then you spend hours perfecting it. And then there's a master level version, which I haven't dared to touch yet! The spirit of Felix is a pure, wholesome, good-hearted reaper boy who just wants to meet the woman of his dreams.
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Posted: 9/25/2020
It's fine but you'll finish it in a couple of hours. There's only 60 levels and they go by pretty quick even if you torture yourself to get 3 stars for every level. Definitely not worth full price.
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Posted: 8/22/2020
Says it's like DND but it's not very RPG like at all and just throws you into game play. Doesn't make sense. Feels very mobile-like.
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Posted: 8/22/2020
Would have been better if it had a CPU mode. As it stands, it's multiplayer only and requires another person to play. Defeats the purpose of wanting to play the "dot game" alone.
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Posted: 8/16/2020
The load times are very long but this is a fair alternative to full priced Mario Kart. My friend loved it as her first Kart game. The boost mechanics are strange at first but I eventually got the hang of switching between the multiple gas chambers and came to appreciate the concept.
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Posted: 8/16/2020
Simple and addicting arcade game! One star removed because all of my opponents seem to die in racing mode, which makes the feeling of competition fall flat. The other modes are great and I like the feeling of beating my personal best.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
Not my cup of tea. Has a lot of potential but is hindered by a confusing hardware layout that shifts for every game, inability to play while docked, games that feel more like a free mobile game, and just an awkward execution. The only game I really liked was the coin shooter but I had to earn coins by playing the other games. My friend loves it, however, so to each their own. It was adorable, I will give it that.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
Definitely a kid's game. It pretty much holds your hand throughout the entire game and there's little room to get lost or mess up. Even within those constraints, I still found myself getting a little confused. There's basically no skill involved and it's mostly an interactive story that feels like a game. It mostly follows the storyline of the Incredibles 2 movie but has extra scenes and characters.
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Posted: 7/30/2020
This game cartridge behaves as three separate games on the Switch even though they're all on the same cartridge. It confused me at first because I assumed it would behave more like an anthology. Once I understood how it worked, I was good.

The AI in this version of Monopoly are not very challenging and need to be tweaked more. With that said, I've been having a good time playing this game and especially enjoyed playing with my brother. He's a PC gamer and complained about the graphics and frame rate. They looked great to me but apparently they're better on PC. I'm okay with that. Hopefully they'll issue an update with a higher difficulty level because the AI are really easy to make deals with and such.

I had never played Risk before buying this game but I'm glad I got it and feel as though I could jump in on a board game round of it if I ever see my Uncle and cousins playing it again. The layout of the "board" almost reminds me of Civilization and its kind of a dice roll style game of Civ. Far more simple than Civ as there are fewer dynamics but somehow far more frustrating than Civ when it comes to losing and making bad decisions! I enjoy the immersive experience this video game offers that the board game alone cannot, with video clips and sound effects and visual effects.

Trivial Pursuit:
This was my first time playing any form of Trivial Pursuit. I was a little nervous because I'm not so great with pop culture but I surprised to find out how balanced the game is in areas of interest. I felt just as capable of participating as my friend did (who's more pop culture savvy than me). Any subject you would have studied in school was represented here and it was easy to pick up on how to play each round. I love learning "board games" through the video game version as the computer can focus on the rules and I can just focus on playing. The graphics weren't super impressive to me but they weren't horrible and served their purpose.

Overall an excellent collection and a bargain compared to getting each game separately!
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Posted: 7/30/2020
This is my first Mario game! It's not the best for someone who's never really played Super Mario before because there were a lot of things I didn't know how to do (like grabbing items, jumping onto buttons, changing coins into blocks, etc). I understood only the very basics as a platformer but couldn't solve the puzzles without some help from my brother who guided me through the tricks. After help with the first few "jobs" in story mode, I really had the hang of it and started getting hooked! I'm only playing Story Mode for now so that I feel comfortable with all things Mario before making my own courses and getting deeper into others' submissions.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
The most stressful version of Tetris I have ever played.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
It works. I just wish it retained a touch interface so I could use my Switch as a small tablet when watching videos. But the app relies on the controllers to navigate.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Don't even bother to download this. It's a bad game and each level is pay-to-play. It makes me mad every time I see it in my library.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Wasn't interesting enough for me.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
It's like Bejeweled except super annoying. I don't like that they made it a RPG TCG game. I only wanted the puzzles with no interruptions.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
A modern take on the classic game of Snake (Nokia, anyone?).
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Posted: 7/26/2020
CMS = Car Mechanic Simulator
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Posted: 7/26/2020
As with any other board game on a video game console: if you like the board game, you'll like this game. Good representation of Battleship. Reminds me of the Battleship I had on my iPod Video years ago with the click wheel.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
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Posted: 7/26/2020
It's a few different forms of Ludo with some customizable rules. If you like Ludo and want to play Ludo (also known as "Trouble" in the USA), this is the game for you. Keeps me occupied when I'm sick or have a migraine.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
It's not as good as Wii Sports but I had a fun time with the kids playing this. Great for staying a little active.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
I play this for days on end. Love it.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
I only bought this for minesweeper and it does that very well. I'm embarrassed to say I suck at the other games, even checkers. I wish it was the version of minesweeper with the question mark flags but it's not. That's okay. It does minesweeper well and that's all that mattered to me.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Cute, simple, relaxing, and intuitive.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Not as good as the original Bejeweled 2. Not enough levels but at least there's an infinite mode.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
OK so the point of Surgeon Simulator is that it's a hard game. A very hard game, in fact. You get nearly full control over the surgeon's hands and fingers and it's a LOT to manage--and that's the beauty of it. Especially with the unique ability the Switch offers by playing "two handed" with a joycon in each hand and motion controls. It's not supposed to make sense. You're not supposed to be able to play perfectly. In fact, the whole thing is hilarious. Up the fun by letting one friend control the left hand whilst you control the right hand, and try not to get poked with that morphine!
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Posted: 7/26/2020
both soothing and frustrating, my OCD appreciates this game
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Posted: 7/26/2020
I adore this game. It's supposed to be for little kids but I ended up playing for 2 hours straight. The objectives are interesting enough and the animals are downright adorable. The capybara are my favorite. The game is interesting in that it combines ecology with economy. You clean up litter on various island areas and it brings back new growth and life to the land. Animals return and you get paid for cleaning up. You can buy them hats and change their colors and they show affection towards you when they get these things.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
A great little free fighter game. Has microtx available but I never use those. A good game for the kids to play as it is good for multiplayer offline as well as online. If you're on a budget, it's worth getting into.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
I love the casual mode. I'm not very good at RPG but the missions in casual mode are focused and easy to pick up on. I'm not good at fighting so I get frustrated with that but the problem solving and the looking for animals are fun for me.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
It's a choose your own adventure type story, not a game. Disappointed. Interesting story but the format doesn't hold my attention.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Basically my favorite game that I'll go back to over and over again. I find Mario Kart boring compared to this.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Difficult learning curve, but satisfying.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
I'd rather play classic pacman
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Posted: 7/26/2020
You die within a few seconds.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Has a glitch where your achievement isn't saved and the menu won't work.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
This game is a real treat! Not only is it adorable, it's also very disarming in its cuteness. It makes it seem like the puzzles are easy, which some relatively are, but the puzzles are still challenging and the experience of the little "world" the puzzle lives in is simply a delight. I recommend it for young and old! I only wish I had a Nintendo 3DS to play it in 3D but I see it has a VR mode to use with the VR Labo goggles, so maybe I can find myself a set of those.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
The song selection isn't the best on this version but Ubisoft seems adamant to get everyone to subscribe to the "Unlimited" songs option. I'd say this older copy is a cheap way to get started if you're just going to pay for Unlimited anyway, especially if you find it used for less than $15. Newer versions of the game tend to go for $40 new and $20 on sale.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Honestly, this version of Mario Kart bores me to tears. I appreciate all of the tracks being unlocked when it comes to multiplayer and having friends over, but for single play there's no real career to follow and no reason for me to go back to it every day. I wish they had made it so that tracks are locked in single player and that I could work to unlock more tracks by perfecting my racing.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
This game is a special treat that holds my attention better than other RPGs do. The graphics are an adorable 2D format but clear and easy to see- not pixelated. My brother calls it a Zelda clone but I've tried the original Zelda games and this game feels far more engaging. Some of the puzzles were too hard for me but it's still fun even if you have to look up advice online or watch videos. I'd like to go back and finish my brother's copy.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
Probably the most genius combination of classic puzzle games I've ever played. My only complaint is that hard/drop isn't available for all of the puyo modes and that messes up my zen flow. Great for people with anxiety or who have to listen to lectures online but need to keep busy while listening. I don't prefer the story mode, but all of the other modes are unlocked so I can just do my own thing.
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Posted: 7/26/2020
I'm more interested in simulation type games so that's how I play this one. I don't follow the story at all and find plenty to do on my own. It's a bit overwhelming as a game but I go back to it every now and then and play for hours.
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Guest Date: 3/12/2025