" I am a huge fan of the first 2 Turok games. The exploration, the character animations, the gun play, them bosses... almost perfect. Many of these aspects are not even as good in most shooters this days. I remember playing this game and having to uncover the full wire-frame map on each level to feel like I can exit the level without missing anything. Most frustrating is getting to the end-level portal without collected all keys. This game is in my top 10 favorite games of all time.
This remaster add many quality of life features that are most welcome. My favorite being gyro aim. Its easy to get lost exploring maps in this game and this version adds marks to points of interests making it easy to find your way around. You can also save at any time. These and many more options can be enabled or disabled from the options menu.
Now, there is one thing that took some time getting used to while playing the remasters... and that is the faster frame-rate. I know... hear me out. To me, the slower movement on the N64 really gave this games a sense of heaviness or weight to the whole thing. And playing this game in what feels like turbo-mode changes that. I've really, really enjoyed playing this version but always prefer going back and experience them on the N64. "
iRamos99 The Knight Witch
" This game is a dungeon crawler, shoot'em up, semi-bullet-****, with a slight touch of metroidvania.
The game quality is good. It has beautiful art, fun music, and during my playthrough I only found a single bug.
The performance could be better on switch. You can experience slowdowns when there is a lot happening on the screen and sometimes when transitioning into new areas. The slowdowns are not bad enough to disrupt gameplay, but they are noticeable.
The game has a slow start with a meh story. But it really picks up once you get the dash ability. It changes the gameplay and exploration dynamics for the best. Enemy encounter are more intense and fun.
The weapons/spells that you get are good and there is a lot of variety to fit many playing styles. You can experiment with different combinations to find something that works for you. I used the different types of bullet spells most times with a defensive ones here and there.
The last level was more puzzle solving than combat but it was a nice change of pace.
Overall, I really enjoyed the game and once I got into it, I didn't put it down until I was done with it.
It can be challenging, but it never felt impossible. "
iRamos99 Super Mario Party™ Jamboree
" Good Mario Party game with good online multiplayer gameplay. Also has a good line up of characters, not like anyone can beat Yoshi... but, you can try! "
iRamos99 Death's Door
" at first I didn't think I would like this game since I thought it was a roguelike, but its not! Just a normal action-adventure game that I thoroughly enjoyed. "
Maximinium NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition
" Another new series I wanted to get into, and now a new favorite of mine as well. I really love the NieR series of games. Hopefully one day they'll put Replicant on Switch too for others to enjoy. "